Freud tried to expose the whole extraordinary world. The evidence was clear and the facts were clear, and he was extremely guilty.

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Just when Freud thought he would be imprisoned for ten thousand years
But Macquarie went around.
Dean Quincy said that however, with intention and serious consequences, he was deprived of the title of Hofstadter family wizard, and the family wizard decided to inherit it after choosing a family wizard competition from Anglis and Alfred.
Say that finish
Mark smiled at his mother and said, "Mother, it’s time for you to prepare for the family wizard competition."
Anglis "…"
Chapter 41 Prepare Egypt Bank
Mark didn’t go during the trial.
Guilt is enough!
But it’s just a guilty conscience. What’s the so-called guilt? That’s bullshit
Anyway, Freud is also a family wizard with such a bright future. Instead of going to archaeological sites all over the world, it is better to make room for those in need.
The most important point.
His unprofessional uncle Freud belongs to that kind of dink belief. There are several girlfriends, but none of them are women.
Being a mother, Anglis, is different.
Counting Mark, there are four girls and a father, which makes a family of six.
Mark is confident that he can last forever. Mia and Emma have similar abilities and must be able to lock their own years 3.
So it’s just my brother Thomas and my sister Annie.
But …
After the problem is to establish mother Anglis to inherit the family wizard before things happen
But Mark is confident.
After he came out of the wizard dimension, he directly gave a word to a close friend in the East Country.
Presumably, the invitation from the first top university in the East has reached the office of Alfred School.
If there is no accident, Alfred will fly directly to the East for a year-long and well-sponsored academic exchange activities on anthropology.
And frankly,
Since ancient times, the western extraordinary world has been taboo to the East.
The title of family wizard will eventually be won by mother Anglis.
Mark has a hundred different ways to make Alfred lose the election without knowing it.
In the wizard dimension?
Come on, they don’t have owls or messenger animals …
After mother Anglis regained her magic, although she is not old enough to die, with magic, her life will be delayed to hundreds of years later.

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