Rogers did not speak.

3 minutes, 15 seconds Read

Bucky fell into the abyss when the train crossed the canyon during an evacuation operation, and he remembered it clearly.
Mark smiled and didn’t continue this topic. Instead, he took out his cell phone and called Kate, saying that a guest would come home for dinner at noon.
Mark and Kate put away their cell phones and said to Rogers, "Are you interested in coming to my house?"
With a full heart, Rogers barely smiled. "Where else can I go?"
He does have a home in Brooklyn.
But according to Mark, his family was confiscated by the IRS at the end of the year when he died because he didn’t pay taxes.
This is a sad story.
However, when Mark told Rogers that the IRS’s combat effectiveness was still so strong, Rogers suddenly had a feeling of not saying it.
Although things have changed, the fact that the IRS is still the IRS has given Rogers a familiar feeling of relief.
After buying a bottle of ninety dollars, Mark took Rogers to an alley.
One second
Rogers, who was behind Mark, was slightly absent and quickly recovered.
Mark is not surprised.
As he said before.
Captain America is a mortal, but he is not a mortal. If words take shape, Captain America belongs to the top extraordinary life among mortals.
Out of the door
Rogers looked around for a week and then said, "We are on Long Island now?"
"Yes," Mark nodded and piled the toys that the two little girls had not packed up into the toy box not far away.
Rogers saw it and asked, "How many?"
"Three" Mark said proudly that all three were daughters.
This made Mark once suspect.
Is this some indescribable way to punish yourself for having sex before the age of 30?
Chapter 57 Polygamy is now allowed?
But mark wasn’t sad either
Mark prefers little loli to bear children.
People like the phenomenon of son preference because of the so-called succession, but does Mark need it?
Mark is immortal and eternal.
It’s good for a girl. A girl is much better than a son. Every time I think that a girl will grow up one day, Mark has a feeling that she is about to have a heart attack.
Mark is by no means worried about his wedding money.
not at all
After leading Rogers into the main building, several girls in the family have been busy.
Mark looked at Kate and Lilly, the minion in the kitchen, and said, "I think you will call Nemo."
Nemo, to be precise, Nemo Restaurant is a well-received restaurant in Long Island. With the first expansion of the number of people in the family, the kitchen in the family has not gone too far except breakfast.
"We make juice," Kate looked up and smiled at Captain Rogers and said, "Captain, what do you like to drink, but I don’t have strawberries here."
Rogers smiled at Mark and said "whatever".
Mark quickly said, "Is the captain sitting here drinking?"
Rogers just got ready to talk.
Mark still nodded and said, "I should drink it. I have seen Howard write your memoirs."
Rogers forced a smile.
Rogers has a feeling that you are mysterious, but in fact, you are a thorough person in the eyes of others.
This feeling makes Rogers a little unaccustomed.
After Mark started the wave, he directly hooked up two glasses and walked towards the sofa.
Kate handed Lill two apple juice behind her, looked up at the floor and said, "Dorothy and theodora have teased the poor little Tyrannosaurus Rex again, so hurry to see one."
Lille nodded his head after taking the drink.
Jean and Vivian came in from the front.

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