The sweet breath in the girl’s mouth entangles and confuses the heart of Shura. At this time, all reason and rules seem to be gone, as if there are two people left in this world: Yu Zhen and him.

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Ling Mo Pupil no longer wants to bother him. Now he hopes to taste the tender and sweet breath of his beloved girl forever. His tongue is overbearing and gently stirs up the enthusiasm of the feather. His arms tightly hug the girl in front of him.
When it seems to come to an abrupt end, there is a ray of tenderness left in heaven and earth.
Both of them are intoxicated by this whirlpool of love
If I run for half my life but I can’t keep my confidante, I will regret even sending me to the border.
A pair of jade people became the most beautiful and sweet scenery in this quiet night.
"Power …" Lingmo Pupil felt a relatively strong force in the intertwining of lips and teeth, and it was like a heat flow flowing out of his body like a mountain call and tsunami.
In an instant, Ling Mo’s mind flashed through the piano’s heart sound. If you combine with Feng Pei’s master, you can get Feng Pei and take all the power for yourself.
It turns out that it is true that power can return to one’s body through Feng Pei when the feather is willing.
Suddenly, Shura Shenjun felt that he was very mean, and even unconsciously, he made a profit.
He gently let go of the feather, blushed and snuggled up to his arms. The little hand gently circled his silver silk and said shyly, "You must not hide from me after you promise me."
Ling Mo Pupil smiled. "Don’t worry, I won’t leave you again, but maybe we will all die in this battle with Fengluo."
Feather pastor a captivating smile "I’m not afraid even if I die, I will die with you." She sipped her lips and looked at Ling Mo Pupil and skipped back to her room happily.
Watching the back of the feather’s beard leave his sight, Shura Lingmo said coldly at the dark corner, "Come out and haven’t seen enough?"
There was a faint smile in the dark, and a figure shook out, and the dim moonlight gradually became clear. His outline was Brahma Xuan Xuanwu Brahma Xuan.
Van Gogh crossed his hands and said, "I’m really sorry, but I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to feed the horse. I didn’t expect someone to be earlier than me, but why don’t you continue?" If you get that girl’s body, you will get Feng Pei and … your original strength to restore your original mana should not be said to be even more powerful! " He bit the last sentence very hard.
He Zhang Jun face a sly smile "or do you want me to help you?"
Ling Mo stared at Van Gogh’s face coldly. His tone was very cold. "I said that no one should intervene in Feng Pei’s affairs, and so should you. Besides, you must never make an idea or I will be rude to you!"
Fan Xuan’s stall hand raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, I’ll stay out of it. I’m not interested in that girl at all, but I advise you not to be blinded by your feelings and forget what your mission is. Think about whether you can be with a human girl?"
Then he turned and took a few steps. Van Gogh Xuan stopped and turned around. "Although Lan Yuzhen is a delicate and pretty girl, how can she compare with Qin Xin’s immortal appearance? And clumsy. I really don’t understand why you like her? "
I really can’t tell you what I like about her. He said softly, "Maybe we will all die this time with The Hunger Fengluo. If I can’t pursue what I really like before I die, it will be a waste of the afterlife."
Fan Xuan nodded. "Well, I wish you luck if I can!"
Chapter one hundred and seventeen Snake attack
———-please keep it.
The same piano heart and Zili seem to be asleep, breathing evenly, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Her brain has been in a state of extreme excitement. I didn’t expect that I had regained the proud heart of Shura Shenjun, but it made her feel uneasy. Will this heart really belong to me completely? She always feels uncertain.
The pancakes on the bed and the fanciful feathers always feel an intermittent "hiss" in the ear, as if someone’s fingers kept scratching the window paper.
At the same time, she felt a little dizzy.
Feather pastor struggled to get up, touched the table, fumbled and lit a candle, trying to see what was going on by candlelight. I didn’t expect this to be scared away.
What did she see?
The ground, windows and walls were covered with snakes.
Soft and crawling snake
Every snake was three feet short, spitting bright red letters, and cruising to their beds. It turned out that the hissing sound was the same sound that their feathers heard.
Feathers feel that they are going to frighten paralyzed girls, and they are particularly afraid of this mollusk. Is it that tens of millions of them crawl together?
Feather pastor opened his mouth and shouted out from his stiff lips, "Snake, help …"
This piano heart and purple from all woke up.
Qin Xin jumped out of bed first and looked at the house full of snakes, and she was trying to squeeze snakes into the house through the window paper under the door. She couldn’t help but be shocked. Although she is a goddess with high spiritual strength, she is still very afraid of these disgusting mollusks for a while.
Violet also jumped out of bed boldly. She stretched out her hand and pulled over the feather and the heart of the piano. She gave a sharp whistle at the snakes that kept crawling. (The panther brothers and sisters, the leaders of the body and the underworld, have a natural call and lead the birds and beasts. Normally, these snakes should crawl away from their feet and dare not move again.)
However, instead of obeying the orders of Zili, these poisonous snakes became more energetic, and several big snakes suddenly rushed over and opened their mouths to pounce on the three girls.
Violet is frightened to disgrace. It seems that something with stronger spiritual power is manipulating these poisonous snakes, and these snakes are not ordinary snakes. They all have strong spiritual power and can penetrate their own enchantment.
Violet from the charming body shook to restore the leopard-shaped purple from the incarnation of the panther growled a Strafe-like tail ruthlessly swept to the snakes, while it opened its mouth and highlighted a group of powerful magic flames that all burned to those hateful mollusks
This is a magic flame that can melt steel and make snakes roll like balls of fire, and the room is full of burning stench.

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