"Ah ~ ~! I remember it’s senior Valery! You see how my brain forgot you. I’m really possessed. Senior Valery, it’s been a long time. How have you been recently? " Gaidar suddenly realized and said

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"I am just like that, but you are now the chief economist of the Foreign Trade Bank. You are the best among the graduates of our school!" Valery complimented Gaidar
"Valery senior that you can say is wrong! The best thing to do is not that I am Minister ulyanov of our company. Don’t you forget that Minister ulyanov is the chemistry of our school? " Gaidar modestly corrected
"All right, you are not bad! How about the chief economist? I want you to give a lecture to the staff of the general office of the Central Secretariat on the problems of the western economic system when you have time on weekends. Everyone knows that your Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation is an expert in this field! "
"No problem!" Gaidar simply agreed to come, and the two agreed to meet the next afternoon. Valery would personally pick up Gaidar by car, and then go for a drink together after the course. Valery put words and sat down in a chair in pain.
The next afternoon, Valery took Gaidar to the Supreme Soviet for a two-hour course, which was extremely stressful for Gaidar. After the course, it was about six o’clock in the afternoon. Valery booked a room at the Moscow Hotel, so he drove Gaidar straight to the hotel.
"Come on, come on, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. We must have a good drink tonight. Don’t worry, even if you are drunk, just rest in a room in the hotel!" Valery warmly entertained.
Valery will not be stingy with this big meal. Although there are not many varieties, Gaidar is naturally satisfied with Valery’s hospitality. After pushing a cup for a change for a long time, Valery saw the opportunity and suddenly said to Gaidar, "Egor, how are you doing in the foreign trade bank, and you will be a vice president in a few years?"
"How … how is that possible? Vice president? I’m not even as good as ulyanov now. Every day, he asks me to help him draft some articles and plans. He is a penman. His number one secret, Nasjia, has been sent to Britain to take charge of foreign trade banks. I can’t compare with others in Britain! " Gaidar then complained and replied
"Xuedi, since you are so careless, are you going to change places?" Valery asked along Gaidar’s meaning
"Where to change?" Gaidar disdained to ask, although he complained that he was not taken seriously, the treatment of foreign trade banks was notoriously good
"What do you think of being the deputy editor-in-chief of Izvestia?" Valery suddenly asked
"ah! Are you kidding? " Gaidar paused for a while and suddenly realized who the other person was. Suddenly, the wine woke up in half.
"No, it’s not a joke! I’ll tell you the truth. That’s what ligachev means! He cherishes you as a talent. Do you know that ulyanov, the deputy editor-in-chief of Izvestia, is now an official at this level! " Valery said deeply
"What conditions?" Gaidar was tempted, and he asked
"ligachev wants to know what foreign trade banks do everything possible to obstruct our auditors! After the event, the deputy editor-in-chief of Izvestia is you! " Valery replied.
"Let me think about it!" Gaidar felt that he was not fit to think about such an important issue after drinking wine today. He didn’t promise immediately, but hoped to think it over when he was awake.
"It is better to contact me again with a decision. This kind of opportunity is once in a blue moon. Everyone knows how to choose! You can rest here tonight. Anyway, the room has been booked. " Valery agreed.
After eating this meal, it was not interesting. After drinking a few glasses of wine, the two of them went back to rest. As soon as they got back to their room, Gaidar filled the bathtub with cold water and then slammed into it.
The cold water made Gaidar completely awake. He lit a cigarette and just sat in the bathtub and pondered over the sky.
The next morning, after thinking all night, Gaidar had made a decision. He came to the unit on time and changed into a brand-new shirt and suit. Then he went straight to the door of Minister ulyanov’s office and knocked gently.
"Please come in!" Xie took replied
Gaidar pushed the door and went in. Xie Liaosha was surprised to see that it was Gaidar. He motioned Gaidar to sit on the sofa and asked the outside workers to bring something to drink. Then he asked, "What can I do for Comrade Gaidar?"
"Last night, Minister ulyanov’s senior adviser around ligachev was also my old classmate Valery. They wanted me to inquire about the foreign exchange affairs of a foreign trade bank and promised me that once I found out anything, I would be arranged to be the deputy editor-in-chief of Izvestia …" Gaidar told Xie took that the more he listened, the more confused he became. He couldn’t understand why Gaidar was so loyal to himself and looked relaxed and went to [vertex network O].
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Chapter 42 The Plaza Agreement is coming
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC Love You Watch Network A to update the latest chapter of the godfather of the Soviet Union as soon as possible!
Because the Plaza Agreement will have a dramatic impact on the international foreign exchange market after signing, it will prevent this impact from disrupting the economic deployment of the Ministry of Finance. @++www * c Minister Takeshi didn’t plan to visit the United States himself until he left. The Ministry of Finance announced that Minister Takeshi and the president of the Bank of Japan would take part in a golf charity competition near Haneda Airport. When they left, some media photographed them in sports clothes.
Minister Takeshi and President Makita left the stadium on an excuse after waving a few strokes. Although the media also photographed them leaving the stadium, they did not follow them. After they left the stadium, Minister Takeshi and President Makita immediately rushed to the airport by bus. Their luggage and clothes had been delivered to the root of the plane, so no one found them sad and left the day.
After nearly ten hours’ flight, the plane finally arrived at a military base in new york. Secretary Zhu and his entourage secretly left the airport. In the following hours, the finance ministers of Britain, France and Germany also quietly checked into the new york Plaza Hotel.
The top floor of the Plaza Hotel is now occupied by the finance ministers of several richest countries in the world. They are talking about changing the world plan. Agents from the Washington Secret Service took over the top floor of the Plaza Hotel, and all workers, including hotel workers, were forbidden to enter. At this time, Nasjia was far away in London. According to Selyosha’s latest order, the latest money department bought Japanese yen and US dollar foreign exchange futures.
Selyosha and his companions spent the longest two days in their lives. Everyone asked Yuri for the latest news every day by phone, but it didn’t help until two days later, things finally came to an end.
On September 22, 1995, the United States, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, Britain, France, the finance minister and the governor of the central bank called a press conference at the Plaza Hotel to announce that the five governments had decided to jointly intervene in the foreign exchange market to induce the orderly depreciation of the exchange rate of the US dollar against major currencies. The press conference was not over yet, and the reporters present had not finished writing the financial newsletter. Not far from the Plaza Hotel, Wall Street was boiling. Almost all kinds of institutions were selling dollars in the market to buy yen and marks, while those foreign exchange investors outside the market were crazy. At this time, I can look at this wealth and stare blankly. Therefore, it is just the weekend. All foreign exchange entrusted trading companies are in the rest stage, and only large banks with multinational operations can enjoy this wealth. So in these two days, everyone has focused on the Japanese market, because the first challenge after the signing of the agreement is the Japanese foreign exchange market.
On Monday, September 23, the foreign exchange markets of countries in the eastern hemisphere ushered in the market day one after another, and the first round of challenges was ushered in first.
At nine o’clock in the morning, a plate of yen against the US dollar immediately reached the highest point of the year. In the past, the foreign exchange market was as calm as water, like a bomb was thrown into it, which set off a stormy wave. After the market closed, the yen soared like a rocket to prevent the currency from skyrocketing and plunging. The Bank of Tokyo and the Bank of Japan have been strictly monitoring the fluctuation of the yen.
Is the appreciation of the yen a loss for Japan? From now on, it is definitely not because of the appreciation of the yen. Although it has pushed up the production of Japanese manufacturing industry, it is beneficial for Japanese financial institutions to invest overseas.
Although Japan’s economic status is very high, the market of Japanese yen is the smallest among the world’s major currencies, and it is even worse than that of Italian lira. Experts in the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan all agree that the appreciation of Japanese yen will expand its international settlement field, which means the lack of resources. Japanese yen can buy more raw materials and resources in some parts of the world, thus reducing the production of Japanese manufacturing industry.
Based on this theory, the Ministry of Finance is extremely optimistic about the expectations after the signing of the Plaza Agreement, and some bureaucrats in the Ministry of Finance hold extreme positions that they can buy the whole United States in a short time after the Plaza Agreement. Those who oppose the Plaza Agreement are all covered up, of course, these are later stories.
After seeing the performance of the Japanese market, Xie Liaosha finally put his heart into his stomach. Just because the foreign exchange market is stable does not mean that Xie Liaosha can passively rely on the foreign exchange market to make money. Later, with the investment of those foreign exchange futures in the hands of Nasjia, the London market, Xie Liaosha made a net profit of nearly 100 billion US dollars a day.
At the beginning, Xie Liao Sha Cai was the safest way to directly exchange money with the Bank of Tokyo through financial channels such as Columbia Bank, and in forward exchange market, England, the total amount of funds was about 10%. Xie Liao Sha knew that this was largely due to the emotional influence of investors, so he decisively commanded Nasjia to quickly close the futures contract and reap the first fortune.
The money is about 150 billion US dollars. Xie Liaosha intends to transfer 100 billion US dollars to the foreign trade bank account to deal with the mad dog ligachev, and the rest will continue to be sent to Japan through Colombian bank to wait for appreciation.
In addition, there is one thing that Xie took care of personally, that is, Gaidar suddenly broke into Xie took’s office about a month ago, and told him bluntly that ligachev wanted to be altruistic to spy on foreign trade banks, so that Xie took care of Xie took care of whether Gaidar wanted to be promoted or not until Gaidar took things back to high speed, and Xie took Gaisha’s statement with a grain of salt.
On the same day, Xie Liaosha first asked Gaidar to go back and wait for his reply, but he did not enthusiastically accept this economist who took the initiative to take refuge. However, Xie Liaosha made the KGB friends investigate Gaidar, and soon everything Gaidar said was confirmed.
Selyosha invited Gaidar over and asked him directly why he didn’t accept the ligachev terms. Gaidar gave an answer that Xie Liaosha couldn’t think of. He said that he would rather exchange the position of deputy editor-in-chief of Izvestia for the position of main director of the Youth Science, Technology and Culture Center, and then go to [vertex network O].
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Chapter 43 Immigration Bureau
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC Love You Watch Network A to update the latest chapter of the godfather of the Soviet Union as soon as possible!
Gaidar chose the position of deputy editor-in-chief of Izvestia instead of choosing it. * Pop-up window? @++www * c actually has a deeper reason, that is, it takes a fancy to the political future of young cadres with "new thinking" represented by Jakovleff.
Gaidar is not blind. He should pay a little attention to what the main media in a country are reporting every day. Several major events have taken place in the United States. Everyone knows that this country is changing imperceptibly. In the past, it was forbidden to show movies again, and it was forbidden to be published. The most gratifying thing is that some music and movies from western countries have also appeared on the Soviet screen.

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