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All successful people create motivation, please work hard! Please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section 22 Forward-looking old man
After officially declaring war on the Ackerman family on the street, Charles immediately returned to his mansion in the north of Lundinum surrounded by a bunch of guards for emergency arrangement. In fact, all the buildings in several streets near here have been requisitioned to the Andrew family power base, and a large number of vassal families belonging to the Andrew family have gathered here, while the peripheral ordinary apartments are stationed for the family army. This situation is the same in the area controlled by the Ackerman family in the south of the city.
Xi yuyu ~
A loud Ma Si, followed by a loud noise, caused the people of Andrew’s family to look around in a hurry in front of the mansion. It turned out that Charles and the guards were back.
Seeing that Li pulls the reins and pulls Liang Ju’s crotch almost rudely to the entrance of the mansion, Master Charles turns over his horse and hands it over to the front groom. Then he strides to the courtyard with an air of awe. Obviously, he is anxious and nervous. As Charles walks through the colonnades on both sides of the mansion, Andrew’s family executives see him constantly, so he quickly walks out and reports to Charles on the progress of the preparatory work.
"What? ! Our regular troops can reach one person? Are you sure you’re not kidding? Absolutely not! I need more troops! I don’t care what you do. I want more troops! Are you white? " While walking in a hurry, Charles tried his best to be agitated and listened to the reports from the high-level family around him. The heir had to show more’ color’ ability and posture to gain the recognition of the high-level family. However, when he heard the figures from the person in charge of recruiting the army, he couldn’t help but stop and suddenly turned around and roared angrily
Shua that is responsible for the face’ color’ instantly turned white, obviously frightened by Charles’ ferocious expression, and stood there at a loss! Other responsible persons are also afraid of "color" in their faces. Although they are worried, they are more afraid of getting burned.
However, Charles didn’t find a scapegoat to vent or even kill people as they thought, but his anger slowly faded and his expression regained peace. He even patted the person in charge on the shoulder and said, "Well, I’m also’ excited’ for a while. I won’t blame you for this, but I still have to find a way to solve the conscription!"
Like a frightened chick in front of Charles’ power, the person in charge was scared with two shivers. He was saddened by the unfavorable results of today’s fleeting time. He couldn’t help but feel strange when he heard Charles’ encouragement. wait for a while was there, but when Charles once again stressed that the recruitment of soldiers must be properly solved, the person in charge couldn’t help but find a high-sounding reason to deal with himself. He was really capable! In fact, according to Andrew’s family savings, it is not impossible to barely equip an army of about 1,000 people. However, this army does not recruit and select training equipment as soon as it is caught. Everything in logistics consumes a lot of’ fine’ manpower and material resources, and it is astronomical. But how can there be enough time for this battle?
So the person in charge was trembling all over again, as if he might collapse to the ground at any time, and his face was even more desperate. Please remember me.
However, maybe it’s really a good thing to be born, or maybe it’s the person in charge, Hong Fu Qi Tian Charles, who really didn’t intend to kill the’ chicken’ today.
"You don’t worry about the conscription, I have a countermeasure. Come here." Charles glanced at the person in charge of the face, and how scared this guy was, so he raised his hand to signal the people around him to keep their distance, and then said kindly.
Charles’s words seemed to have the effect of bringing the dead back to life. The person in charge realized that he was really unlucky, and immediately his eyes resumed to turn, and his face was excited. He immediately leaned forward and listened respectfully to Charles’s words
After everyone stared at Charles and whispered to the person in charge, the person in charge’s face immediately’ exposed’ and suddenly’ colored’, but then there was a trace of hesitation. It seemed that there was something wrong with Charles’s solution.
"All right, do as I tell you at once. Remember to get everything ready before the decisive battle, or I’ll really take your head off!" It’s a pity that Charles is obviously confident about his ideas. His eyes are tilted and there is no doubt that he’ kisses’.
"ah! Realizing the meaning of Charles’ gentleness and superficial coldness, the person in charge can’t help but sweat all over his back and stammer quickly, and dare not have the slightest objection.
"Well, go." Charles waved his hand indifferently, and the person in charge, such as Meng, trotted away behind the colonnade curtain with a lot of scrolls in his arms, while Charles turned and continued walking towards the courtyard and stayed where he was. Other people in charge hesitated and didn’t dare to follow, but secretly decided whether to tell the old master directly later. It was really difficult to catch these things because of the spleen’s sexuality.
I don’t know that a bunch of important people in the family behind me secretly gave themselves a highly effective but unkind evaluation. Charles is thinking over and over again in his mind at the moment that the person in charge happened to wake up and have an army.
The family’s’ private’ soldier really depends on the success or failure, but it happened that neither his Andrew family nor his arch-rival Ackerman family were confident enough at this point, because the strength of the two families was simply too balanced.
If you want to run over the other side in the army, you must use some means, for example, Charles told the person in charge earlier that the method is actually simple, isn’t it enough for soldiers? Not enough, then gather together! Servants, gardeners, and coachmen just watch the door. If Andrew and the vassal family can "mix" the young and middle-aged people, they will not fight. One person will send a spear and a leather armor to "mix" with the regular army when marching. If it is not carefully observed, it will be difficult to find it. However, there is no doubt that this is a proper plan to scare the Ackerman family, but it will not be long before it can be concealed. Moreover, when the real decisive battle takes place, these Ukrainian United parties will definitely not send a show, but they will worry about their bad things.
When he unconsciously came to the courtyard and walked straight into the room where only Andrew family members could enter, Charles was still thinking about how to create more advantages to control the Ackerman family without having to resort to the most dangerous means of war.
"Charles, I’m very pleased with your performance. It seems that you have learned to concentrate and do your best at important moments." Suddenly, a vigorous but obvious old words sounded in Charles’ ear, which immediately brought the latter back to God.
"Oh, I’m sorry, father, I was being rude. I was just thinking about something important." When I saw Charles, an old man who pulled out China in front of me, I immediately showed my fear and fear of God, and explained at the same time.
"Ha-ha, my son Charles, you don’t have to be sorry for this." Chinese elder Shi Shiran took a step out and held Charles’s hand. He raised his hand and showed himself a self-mature aristocratic temperament. The old man’s pale face’ dew’ showed a bit of undisguised appreciation’ color’ and said to Charles, "My son, I am very pleased, you know? The way you think just now has proved that you can become a qualified heir, but you have to continue to work hard and undergo more tempering and exercise to truly become a worthy patriarch. "
It is self-evident that Charles called him’ father’. It was Bernard, the current patriarch of Andrew’s family and Charles’ father, the commander of the private soldiers of Vallester Ackerman’s family, who was the object of ridicule at that time, that is, he was disdained and despised by the Ackerman family, which claimed that Britain was orthodox and noble and had pure British blood. The reason was that Vallester defeated his competitors when he was young, and now Ackerman, the patriarch of Ackerman’s family, married the’ female’ son of Roman consul of Lundinum at that time, which led to the
However, if there is an Ackerman family who thinks that old Vallester led the Andrew family to this day by nepotism, Exekman will not hesitate to turn this stupid relative into a pig’s head, so that he can remember that Vallester once told some other nobles’ privately’ that this old guy can not only make people feel close at first sight, but also be full of talent, but never show off easily.
Sovalist and Ai Sekmen, two old foes who are over 60 years old, have always been said that diamond cut diamond will’ hand over’ talented people for dozens of times, and no one can endure anyone!
Charles naturally knows that his father is fierce, and his father has always been strict with him and never made a false statement. Because of this, when his father smiled and said that he could win the patriarch, Charles almost misheard him.
"Well, Charles is proud sometimes, and now it’s time for us to talk about a decisive battle."
Suddenly woke up, Charles quickly converged a little excited and listened.
"If I’m not mistaken, are you worried about serving in the army?"
When Charles heard the news, it was still a moment before he said slowly, "Father, I’m really worried that the military family will recruit only one soldier, and the Ackerman family should not be higher than this. Judging from the strength and potential of the two families, I’m afraid even if we choose a decisive battle for a short time, it will still be difficult to decide the outcome, and the result will still be a war of attrition."
Old Vallester nodded his approval and then said, "You can see this for yourself. It’s good to be in control of the overall situation. People can’t be bound by a certain detail at all times and make their eyes narrow. Knowing yourself is better than knowing yourself."
"I lost my father," Charles replied respectfully.
"Well, Charles, do you know?" I don’t want to talk about this old Vallester. Suddenly, the tone changed and he said with emotion, "Father really doesn’t want to see the Romans leave Britain. It’s not that the father has no confidence. It’s a pity that only the Romans can twist Britain into a rope and unite it. Unfortunately, the imperial situation has stopped them from’ wave’ any more precious power in Britain. Charles, I want to tell you that whether it is the Andrew family or the Ackerman family, we are all insignificant grains of dust. When the winner dials the fog of London to look out, it will be an unimaginable quagmire."
Old Vallester stared into Charles’ eyes and said, "Reluctantly, and we will … smash."
Your message is even a * _ *
All successful people create motivation, please work hard! Please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section 23 Return to Rome
"Hey, you all tell me who will win this time!"
"Who knows? It is always a small fight before, and every time dozens of people are killed or injured, it is the top of the sky. This time, I heard that both families have dispatched 10,000 troops! "
"Boasts are not afraid to flash their tongues. Old Tom, ten thousand people? ! Have you ever seen ten thousand people together? At that time, the former Romans recruited only 3,000 soldiers in the whole city of Lundinum. Now where are Andrew and Ackerman going to recruit 10,000 troops for the two families? Is it difficult to arrest all the men in the city as soldiers? Then you have to go, old Tom, but don’t worry, your beautiful daughter-in-law will be taken care of by me. "

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