"I lost my hometown!" Wang Tao said softly that Mr. Wu’s ears were like a bolt from the blue.

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"How could it be that the city lost its hay …" He realized the problem.
"Xu Shan defected from Chen Xiong, and a fire burned the hay clean." Wang Tao sighed and said to tell the truth, he still admired Chen Xiong, who was able to do such a thing and hit his lifeline with a rock-breaking blow.
"It’s also my fault for being careless about the city and other important things. I should send a right-hand man, but I lost two wastes. No wonder Chen Xiong seized the opportunity to do this amazing thing."
"If we can cross the rubicon today, we will let the allied forces attack crazily. If we can attack natural events, it has become a hopeless situation if we can’t attack them," said Mr. Wu Shen
Wang Tao secretly nodded, and so did he. Nowadays, it is difficult for food and grass to survive, so he can fight to the death and take the city to reverse the unfavorable situation with the number advantage.
Lu Xun in the city looked at the travel-stained Chen Xiong with joy and said with a laugh, "Chen Xiong, you have made a great contribution this time. You have changed the war situation by attacking the gates and burning grain."
The generals looked at the excitement and looked at each other with smiles. They finally saw the dawn of victory. In this way, the war actually ended in endurance. The Coalition forces outside the city were exhausted, and so were the troops in the city to see who was more tenacious and stronger.
"So it seems that it is estimated that the enemy can choose to attack the city pool desperately without food and grass at the decisive moment, otherwise they will fall short and it will be a bad battle!" Lao Han frowned slightly and said that his eyes seemed to have been able to see the bitter war.
"I’m not afraid of my master. Let me." After two days’ rest, Wang Crazy regained his vitality and took the initiative to well-documented.
And Yu generals are unwilling to lag behind, and everyone knows that the sky is important. The first world war will determine the fate of this land. If one side wins, then ZTE will rebuild Gankun, and if it loses, this land will fall back into the era of independent rule, and I don’t know how long it will take to usher in peace.
And if these people can shine brightly in the day war, it is a good opportunity to make a name for themselves in the history of history, so one by one is to fight for the main force of the day.
"It’s important that the other side’s offensive will continue, so we should also form an echelon to support each other." Lu Xun said gently that he knew it was time to test the integrity of a team for the day war, and he had enough confidence in the army he had built by himself
After arranging the battle, all the generals Lu Xun went back to rest and recharge their batteries, and they were in their best state to meet this key battle.
Chapter five hundred and seventy-seven Taoist priest
When the next day was dark and the allied forces closed the city early, all the governors realized the importance of this war today, mobilized their soldiers to show their desperate courage, and some people offered a large reward for the first person to break through the city, with a reward of 1,200 officers and three ranks.
All the soldiers’ eyes sparkled with greed, and the long wall in front of them was gold and official hats, and the veins stood out suddenly, showing how restless their psychology was at this moment.
As the drums sounded, the curtain was drawn, and the foot soldiers rushed towards the wall like chicken blood. The catapult threw huge stones at the wall and cooperated with the foot soldiers to attack.
Chengtou Lu Xun moved a chair to let people sit around so that all the foot soldiers could see his face embroidered with the word Chu and stood beside him.
"Master, it’s too dangerous here. Let’s hurry to the surface." LaoHan looked at the end chair and asked Lu earnestly.
"No, I’ll stay here today and tell the soldiers that I’m asking them to die with today’s city." Lu Xun-shen said that he had firm determination and will to make people around him feel the thrill of his soul.
At this critical moment, Lu Xun took a decisive attitude and vowed that the city wall would die together. Such an attitude greatly inspired the morale of the army, and the flying flag of Chu inspired their hearts and filled them with fighting courage.
As soon as the battle was in full swing, the bodies of several Coalition soldiers climbed the wall, but the brutal war had just begun. The defenders had been waiting for a long time, and the brazen attitude killed none of these foot soldiers.
A steady stream of allied forces climbed the wall, but it was beaten back by waves. As the minutes passed, the wall was already full of corpses and blood flowing into the moat, and the river was dyed bright red. However, the wall still grasped the flag embroidered with Chu characters in the hands of the Chu army, which seemed to laugh at the attacker’s overreaching.
"General, our troops are almost exhausted!" A general covered in blood walked into a big tent of the Coalition forces and shouted at Han Shanyuan.
Han shan is far from frowning. He knows that the battle ahead is now at a critical moment. This breath must not be relaxed. If we relax, the war will end in failure, but looking at his knees, he knows very well that the price of victory will be great.
Looking at a man with a tangled face on his knees, he quickly shouted, "General, don’t forget that the army is based on troubled times. If the family is finished, even if the battle is won, it will be like someone else has made a wedding dress!"
As soon as this statement came out, Han Shanyuan closed his eyes. He knew that the other party was right. At this moment, it is time to make a decision whether to continue attacking others to win or stop attacking to protect his own strength.
After a while, Han Shanyuan opened his eyes, his eyes flashed off, and he punched the console table with his right fist and said, "Tell the children to stop attacking the old talents and not do this loss."
At the same time, similar scenes show that the allied forces with different intentions have chosen the most favorable direction at this moment, which also declares the end of today’s battle
When the forces from all sides ordered the defenders of the city to arrive, they were surprised to find that the offensive of the other side had weakened. They didn’t know what had happened, but they knew it was a good opportunity, so they became more brave and changed, and the battle soon ended.
The allied forces got nothing but the pile of walls and bones. They attacked the walls several times, but in the end they all failed.
By this time, everyone except Wang Tao’s army had given up the attack and returned to camp to rest, and Wang Tao’s army had experienced these days of war and was already exhausted, watching the friendly troops around retreat one by one.
Wang Tao quietly looked at this scene and sighed deeply. He was unwilling. On several occasions, he saw the dawn of victory, but the Chu army across the street would go out.
"Master, it’s meaningless to withdraw," Mr. Wu said softly.
"I’m not willing to plan for so long and end up like this," Wang Tao said with a bite of his teeth, but deep down in his heart, he raised his admiration for the Chu army
Being able to win in such a terrible attack rhythm, this army is proud to face a big gap of ten times. The Chu army has shown a terrible desire to attack, as if the party with a large number of people is itself, so the will and courage to fight have never been seen in my life.

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