"The toffee husband is dead and he has been punished …"

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There are all kinds of people in this world.
It’s only that fool who is so heartless and widowed that he can be a treasure.
"You are a daughter-in-law of Dugu’s family. It makes no sense for your in-laws to go to jail. You can still be handsome outside."
"That …" Wechsler was sweating. She didn’t want to go to jail. She was so beautiful that she could climb a powerful man even without Du Guping.
With her means, she can still be extravagant and luxurious.
Her eyes rolled in a hurry, and suddenly an idea flashed through her mind, "I want to leave."
Yes, that’s it!
Everyone was stunned by the thunder.
People are dead. How can we be reconciled?
This woman is really heartless. The man treats her like a pearl. The skeleton is not cold, and she wants to get rid of it as soon as she turns around.
Mrs. Jiang is all upset and mad.
"Bitch, when you first entered my house, you begged and swore to God that you would be a good wife and wife. Do you still have a conscience?"
The dog ate her conscience. How else would Pinger die?
This Sang Men star wants to run after it hurts her son?
She has a son!
Wei Shi has long forgotten her son, which is her tool to get wealth.
The man who just died in Yu Gang was just greedy for her beauty, and she wanted wealth and mutual benefit.
"I don’t want to die, old lady. I’m so young."
How can she die when she is so beautiful and so young?
She was born to live a good life, enjoy wealth and be cared for by people holding hands.
Dugutang’s blood gushed out, and his face was red and his lungs were blown up. "You dream that your life is Pinger’s death or Pinger’s ghost is guarding him."
My son likes her so much, she made such a big mistake and finally died, and she tried to escape?
Mrs. Jiang nodded desperately, her eyes were red and her tears flowed, and she felt unworthy.
"Yes, you can’t leave this life."
Is Wei Shi afraid of people rolling on the ground and crying, "You are trying to force me to death. I won’t do it."
She rolled around and cried sadly, crying like crazy.
It’s a sight for everyone to stare at her.
Too clear to go out, crying, making trouble and hanging off.
There is no marital affection and no maternal affection.
This is simply … there are too many slots to spit out.
Chapter 69 doctrines
Kangping county main surface such as submerged step by step walk past commanding looked at weishi "do you want to and from? Have you considered it? "
"Yes" Webster’s attitude is determined to go anyway.
The main face of Kangping County is cold and murderous, and Jin Chai is stabbed in the chest of Weishi.
"Then go to hell."
I stabbed Wechsler several times in a row and screamed.

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