Lin Yi left Lan Gongming to let Yu Yao avenge his father personally.

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Rain Yao killed Lan Gong, and he leaned over to look for something, because his father had a beautiful jade that he took with him, and Lan Gong robbed him.
And Lin Yi put the blindfolded cloth with hoop eyes.
His eyes suddenly plunged into darkness again.
Lin Yi bowed down to the Jianghu people and said, "When you get up, you don’t have to follow me. If you meet a magic Taoist again, tell them they have something to find me."
Lin Yi said and got up.
He pulled out the broken silver from his arms and put it on the table. Then Lin Yi went to the acupuncture point Han who was sealed by his peanuts. The Han knew that this down-and-out man was Wang Linyi in the south, and he was as scared as a fool at the moment.
Lin Yi Jieta Acupoints
Han plopped down on his knees and cried for mercy
Lin Yi said, "Do you know where the North Devil is?"
Nahan said, "I don’t know. Wow, if the North Devil has something to ask, he will send someone to escort the agency. If we have something to do, he will send someone."
Lin Yi said, "I killed the North Devil, so when you go back, you can send a carrier pigeon to the North Devil and tell him that I killed his dog and that an old friend is back. If he has, why don’t you find a place to have a drink?"
The han desperately point way "little white …"
Lin Yi said, "Go away."
The Han rolled and crawled away.
Lin Yi took out another portrait, which was a portrait of his wife.
Lin Yi asked the drinkers
"Have any of you seen her?"
The drinkers quickly looked ahead, but all shook their heads and said they had not seen it.
Lin Yi put away the portrait again. He said, "I killed everyone. It’s not easy to run a small business in the store. Please help me clean it up. I’m leaving."
Those Jianghu people and drinkers are still very excited.
They are scrambling to say that they must clean up this place for Lin Yi.
Lin yi walked out of the wine shop
The snow has stopped outside and the moon has come out.
The night is clear
Although the air is cold, it is also exceptionally fresh.
Lin Yi took a breath of air conditioning and then went down the cold street.
Those people in the pub shouted excitedly.
"Ha ha ha south king came back! It’s the end of the last three magic days. We should have a good drink! We will also spread this good news all over the north! Throughout the river’s lake … "
Chapter 46 Auditions witch (1)
It’s been almost a month since Lin Yi returned to the Jianghu. It was the day before yesterday that he returned to the north. After he left Beijing, he went to the south. He judged that although his wife lost her memory, she might remember the south yard. After all, it was her home, where she was born, and Lu Ba found out that her ex-wife had been in the south for several months. Lin Yi inquired all the way back to the former site of the south yard.
There are still some loyal servants living in the former site of the South Courtyard.
Most of the south courtyard was destroyed, but many houses were still intact.
These loyal servants of the old people couldn’t bear to leave, so they kept it.
They have been looking forward to the Duke’s return, Miss Lin Yi’s return and Miss Lin Yi’s return.
They were so happy when Lin Yi came back.
Lin Yi realized that his wife had never come back, which made him very disappointed.
Lin Yi lived in the former site for two days and then left to continue his journey of finding a wife.
From that day on, he went to his mother-in-law’s grave.
He worshipped his mother-in-law and said to her grave, "My mother-in-law, it’s my fault that Brocade was finished. I was really blind. I didn’t see that poisonous snake really harmed Brocade and my brother’s mother-in-law. I swear that even if I searched all over the world, I would find Brocade. From now on, I will blindfold and kill people until I find Brocade!"
Then Lin Yiqi covered her eyes with a cloth in front of the grave.
Lin Yi was imprisoned for more than three years, and he often covered his eyes to appreciate the blind life. He not only exercised his intuition and keenness, but also sent a chat room. After Lin Yi covered his eyes with cloth, it affected him as much as ordinary people, and now he has completely adapted.
My heart is quieter when I am blindfolded.
Lin Yi’s hearing has also become more sensitive and her intuition more acute.
He can distinguish subtle noises with his ears, and then he can conjure up scenes in his mind. He can bypass obstacles intuitively.
He has completely adapted to the blind life.
Of course, in addition to killing people, Lin Yi will also show his eyes.
Wherever there are many people, Lin Yi will take out his wife’s portrait and ask if anyone has seen it, so Lin Yi returned to the north.
When Lin Yi walked through the cold street and approached the town, the female voice behind him was urgent.
"King of the South, please stay!"
Lin Yi is in the foot.
Rain Yao and Xiao Shang chased him.
Rain Yao killed his father’s enemy with his hand blade and dug out his belongings from Lan Gong’s body, so he and Xiao Shang made a hasty chase.

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