The islanders also put on white cloaks, and for a while, white clothes fluttered and white sails swelled, and people seemed to be in a white ocean.

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The goddess of divine water first took the temple people to perform the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sea.
After the sacrifice, Cui Longxiang announced
"Move the sea!"
Cui Long urged the pronunciation to reverberate throughout the floating island.
At the same time, he threw an altar of wine at a rocky altar, and the wine broke and splashed like waves.
Dozens of trumpeters also lifted their necks and blew horns with high-pitched and sharp horns. A number of masts and giant sails were slowly erected around the island, and the wind swelled like huge white shells.
The whole floating island set sail in the horn of a huge ship and slowly sailed towards the east.
This shocking scene will never be forgotten by the visitors.
The guests were very excited and gave out bursts of exclamations. Some even ran to the shore to experience the strange feeling of "floating on the island" riding the wind and waves.
At this moment, Lin Yi’s mood is agitated, such as surging tide, which is difficult to calm down.
How spectacular!
It’s amazing that there is such a floating island with masts and sails, and it has become an unsinkable giant ship. Lin Yi is very impressed by the islanders and laments that they have amazing ability to control this island.
At this time, "Gone with the Wind Island" people sang together.
Piaopiaowu sihai Jia
Piaopiaowu cares
Piaopiaowuhai knot hair
Piaopiaowu washes away the lead.
With the sound of horns and seabirds singing, the song resounded through the floating island and the sea and sky.
At noon, Cui Longxiang’s birthday party was also held, and all the guests drank in succession, enjoying this wonderful and happy time until the night when they dispersed with drunkenness.
Lin Yi also drank a lot of wine today, but she was about to fall asleep when she came back to her place when there was a knock at the door.
Lin Yimen was originally Haiyan, a close confidant of Mei Mei.
Haiyan also drank some wine, and her face was very charming.
"Master Lu Island Kobayashi is now going to Yingyueyan. She asked me to call you."
"Call me?"
"Of course it’s a good thing to be a fool."
"Where is Yingyueyan?"
"I’ll take you."
Lin Yi followed Haiyan to the southernmost tip of the island and saw a gentle and graceful figure in front of him heading for’ Yingyueyan’ and stopped to look up for a day and a month.
Several thick clouds are gathering towards the moon.
That man is Mei Mei.

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