A flash of light flashed across Chen Shaobai’s mind. He seemed to have caught something, but it was a cloud.

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Can think hard.
It’s like a moment, and it’s like decades
Chen Shaobai doesn’t know that as time goes by, his mind is peeling off, and his body will automatically fail and die when he is completely out of body experience.
Buddhists call it death.
"I see! This place is not for ordinary quenching monks! But a place where those who have broken the boundary and are trapped in the exhausted Shou Yuan with ten times of quenching will die and fight for their lives! "
"Heaven rules is not the world power! Is the world we live in also a box created by people? Just like my kingdom? "
"No matter! Let the world help me break the illusion! "
Chen Shaobai’s mind moved, and the glory of the kingdom extended from a distance, and a light column led to illuminate the whole world.
Light and darkness are like two sides of a coin. One side appears and the other side naturally disappears.
Y and n haze and darkness disappear in front of his eyes is a simple cave.
Fiona Fang is nothing but a stone table, bench, bowl and bed …
Everythijīng is carved like bluestone, and it’s not j and ng, and it’s not rude, just like an urchin doing it by hand.
"The material is also ordinary asphalt xuanshi, an ordinary stone in the secular country."
Chen Shaobai gently broke the stone table and broke a piece of his hand. When he rubbed the pieces, he turned to dust and scattered them on the ground.
"There is no hidden secret inscription. Is this the inner world separated from the life world by someone who talks about the great magical power of the polarized god fairyland?"
As soon as the idea emerged, he threw it into the clouds. Compared with the source of Y and N caves, the purpose of his trip was more attractive.
A woman in a bisse lotus leaf dress and cinnabar boots is lying on a stone bed with an agate sword on her hand.
It is Taishilin.
Like Chen Shaobai, he has a strong belief in incense.
At this time, a trace of pain appeared on her beautiful cheek, and Se immediately became a peaceful and quiet place.
Arch eyebrows slightly stretched corners of the mouth peep out one silk smile seems to be very enjoy this feeling.
Then her face froze forever at this moment, her breathing stopped and her heart stopped beating.
"You are also a genius so dead? It’s ridiculous to die because of mental experience. "
No one knows better than Chen Shaobai that when people die, Taishilin’s body is getting stiff, and the pupil’s spread is not against the light. She’s mana is gradually collapsing and her vitality is weakening …
Everything is pointing to one fact.
She’s Taishilin, arrogant and arrogant!
Chen Shaobai’s mind was in a trance, and the ten-fold peerless genius actually fell because of a small experience.
He finally knows why there are so few fairyland people.
Life is so fragile …
"Alas … you’re lucky to meet me. If it weren’t for the kindred spirit, I wouldn’t wave a rejuvenation fragrance in your body …"
Chen Shaobai shook his head and lit only one resurrection incense. The magic induced the incense to block the past from her other body.
He leaned out and pressed one hand on Taishilin’s left chest to guide the effect of rejuvenation incense into it.
One minute goes by.
Taishilin’s soul suddenly appeared at Chen Shaobai’s side, and once he got into the body, he was completely resurrected.
The girl blinked vaguely and woke up quickly.

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