Mo Qilin has been practicing in the secret abode of fairies and immortals for nearly a hundred years. The name of the fixed wind disc is in the charge of the head, but the head doesn’t bring the fixed wind disc with him on weekdays, so it is the core of the structure of the cave.

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The most wonderful thing about this artifact is that it can be used as an auxiliary cave to cooperate with the corresponding magic circle to transfer the spiritual pivot of the earth and create a blessed land. Of course, it takes a lot of mana to create a blessed land, but after the magic circle is completed, it can transfer the natural heaven and the earth to form its own cave.
Three brothers, such as Xiao Guang, turned Sanhu Town into a rare land of geomantic omen. How did they do it with the help of a fixed wind plate? In fact, sometimes changing the atmospheric convection in a certain range can change the climate.
It’s a bit exaggerated to say that the fixed wind and auxiliary array can build a thousand miles of Fiona Fang’s blessed land
The so-called Fiona Fang concept refers to the approximate number, which refers to the circle diameter or square side length. In the twenty years, the three brothers Xiao Guang built this geomantic treasure house in Fiona Fang, about ten kilometers, with a total area of more than ten square kilometers.
Sanhu Town is not a fairy house, and it is blessed to say three questions. First, it is not enough for Xiao Guang and other three people to repair it. Second, they may not want to expose their tracks. Third, they have got a firm commitment.
If you don’t get the wind, you won’t be able to move this artifact, but you can make great achievements and play the part of the artifact, just like Hua Zhen’s concealed gun in his hand.
If the fixed wind falls in the hands of a really high-ranking person, the most suitable way is to build a hundred miles of caves at its core, that is to say, to regionalize Fiona Fang’s hundred miles or so into a fairy land is the scale of the original fixed wind Tan Zongmen Dojo.
In particular, the person who controls the wind-setting plate can always grasp all kinds of situations in the blessed land of Xianjia, and if there are great achievements, he can use the artifact method to shuttle through the array.
What is this concept? The former is equivalent to mastering a small world control treasure, while the latter is equivalent to teleporting to a place in a hundred miles.
If the fixed wind disc doesn’t build the core of the cave, it still has other wonders. For example, it can hold people flying. It needs to be emphasized that it is not a flying artifact. If you want to control such a wonderful thing, you need to have a flying fairy, and then turn the fixed wind disc into a huge frisbee shape to carry others flying in the disc.
Isn’t this a flying saucer? And its pow comes from fly fairy magic.
The last beauty of this artifact is that its name is "the wind is the wind", and it can also hold the flowing objects, change their speed and direction, and disperse the accumulated energy.
What effect can the artifact play? First, it depends on what kind of array is arranged. This is the time to help the cave; Second, it depends on the mana of the bender. This is an occasion for people to fight against the law.
More than 20 years ago, Dingfengtan suffered the most serious crisis in a thousand years. The spirit of Zhenshan beast told Lu Mubai, the then head of the company, that although he had been repaired, it was difficult to cross the sea after all, and he would soon be seated.
Lu Mubai is a little panicked. He actually has five realms of cultivation, which is the highest in Dingfengtan. If Zhenshan God beast fails, I don’t know if Zongmencheng can continue in the future. I hope everyone can imagine the countermeasures together, but there is nothing anyone can do.
Don’t say whether you can keep the clan door in the future. Because Lu Mubai offended several masters in his early years, he almost became a dead enemy. Even with his strength, he could not exert the greatest power of the mountain protection circle.
At this time, a mysterious master went to Dingfengtan to worship Lu Mubai and talked for a long time. His purpose should be to borrow the Dingfengpan. I don’t know what benefits the other party has given, or what he promised. Lumubai always refused. As a result, he lent the Dingfengpan.
Artifacts are not borrowed casually. Usually, whoever takes them away will not be the mysterious master. Moreover, Lu Mubai moved the previous generation’s ancestor to leave Yu Zhen and awarded the brand to the other party.
Dingfengtan’s younger brother doesn’t even know that the cave has been made, and the magic circle has not been damaged. It’s also a big problem to take out the Dingfengpan temporarily. Lumu white people sit in the array and take the place of the Dingfengpan temporarily, so it won’t be unusual to protect the mountain array from severe disturbance.
The mysterious expert who borrowed the wind-setting disc came from Gambistine. His purpose of borrowing this artifact was to sneak attack a person, specifically to deal with an artifact called the Wind Festival in this person’s hand, and at the same time, he restrained himself from hearing that this person was best at spells.
The man’s surname is Feng.
At that time, did Yu Mubai know the identity of the newcomers and whether it was clear that the other party had borrowed the fixed wind. It was already known what exchange terms they had talked about, and it was even more unknown to outsiders.
Soon after, the master of Gambyshire attacked Mr. Feng with the wind, and as a result, the wind was blown away and the poacher was beaten into a wisp of smoke.
The fixed wind disk flew back from thousands of miles away, and it was hitting the fixed wind pool to protect the mountain. The eyes of the mountain collapsed and Lu Mubai died on the spot. It is said that Mo Qilin, the beast of Zhenshan, also fell with him.
This can’t blame Mr. Feng for being too cruel. He just flew the fixed wind disk, but the fixed wind disk condensed the sneak attacker’s mana. After being flown, someone controlled the artifact, which was the fixed wind pool array pivot. This situation was smashed back.
If something else attacks the Mountain Guard Array, it may still be able to block it, but the Mountain Guard Array in Dingfengtan is defenseless against the wind packing. It smashed Lumubai at the eye of the array to the bone and built the Mountain Guard Array, which was also destroyed with one blow.
This is good! Dingfengtan is completely gone! At least the brothers in the Sect have cultivated their skills to move the mountain, cast spells to protect themselves, jump and escape, and there are no casualties.
Out of such a big thing, of course, Kunlun League will investigate the various masters of Kunlun League, and then it will arrive.
Although some things are not liu er, there are still many clues that have been taken by the master of Gambi Court for sneak attack, and afterwards, this person has just been to Dingfengtan Dingfengtan and the head of Dingfengtan has had a secret talk, which is enough to say a lot of questions.
Dingfengtan, the Sect of Zongmen, has since been expelled from the school and scattered into rivers and lakes to repair the Kunlun League. It is not the responsibility of those who blame the koo. These people are ashamed to be Dingfengtan’s brothers again.
However, there is still an unsolved case in this matter, and the fixed wind plate is gone. The symbol of Zongmen’s inheritance, "Zongmen Sandian", is also gone.
Even if the sutra depository collapses and the Zongmen Canon is destroyed, it won’t disappear. The artifact of Yu Dingfeng Plate is even less likely to be damaged! Then they were probably taken away by Dingfeng Tandi, who fled the Dojo at that time.
It was not until this moment that Hua Zhen learned that Dingfengpan had been brought to the Black Wilderness mainland, and Xiao Guang and other three brothers must have been Godsworn Dong Guo who ran out of Dingfengtan that year.
Chapter 233, a pool of spring water
In fact, the great changes in Dingfengtan left many unsolved cases, such as whether Mo Qilin, the beast of Zhongzhen Mountain, was or not? Mo Qilin Root has never been seen by outsiders, and no one has seen it except Lu Mubai, the head of the contemporary Dingfeng Tandi.
All these doubts were caused by the fact that the leader of Kunlun League Mei League was alarmed at that time and visited Zongmen Dojo, which was damaged in Dingfengtan, to investigate.
As far as the leader of Mei League knows, even if Mo Qilin, a beast like this, falls, he will leave the relic of the beast or call it another name. It is always a very special thing, but it has not been found in the ruins
Mei’s identity as the leader will never talk casually. If Mo Qilin really falls that far, he will probably stay with the Ruishou relic.
The actual situation is either that Mo Qilin said or that the Ruishou relic was taken away with the Zongmen Sandian Dingfengpan, which is quite true.
The so-called Three Classics of Zongmen are the most important ancient books and documents in a formal clan inheritance, including Genealogy of Brothers in Past Dynasties, Golden Book of Zongmen, and Heritage List.
Only the elders in the clan can be qualified to read the three classics of the clan. If ordinary brothers want to hear about them, they also need their elders to relay or teach them that they are the things of the clan. Even though the records have long been known, the ancient books and records are not shown to outsiders.
The Book of World Artifacts records all kinds of inheritors and important objects in the clan.
Every magic weapon belonging to Zongmen will remember its origin. If Zongmen refines it by itself, it will remember the process of refining the device and the date of its completion. If the karma method is obtained, we should also explain the process, such as fellow gifts, door donations and so on
Each magic weapon will try to describe its features, methods of defense, and wonders in detail. If this magic weapon has a special origin, it will be supplemented with one or several paragraphs of history worthy of emphasis.
Ancestral objects may also flow out or be lost, such as gifts to outsiders and accidental damage, and the year and month of the specific situation should also be noted.
It will also record other information about the artifacts, such as the physical properties of various natural materials and treasures, the place of origin, the way of mining and refining, and so on, and mark the history of the clan.
Such an artifact spectrum is also a treasure. Later generations can learn about the refining characteristics of various magic weapons through the ages. Even if there are many artifacts that are no longer in the world, they can still gain something by learning the artifact spectrum.
Genealogy of Brothers in Past Dynasties is a genealogical record of spiritual practice and a genealogical history.
It records the name of each younger brother when he was born and joined the clan gate, when he entered the clan gate, when he achieved success, when he sat down, or when he soared.
These records are all left blank with supplementary notes. For example, if a brother has anything worth adding, he will also write it in small print.
Some people may eventually fall behind, so remember that the last time this person left a message was when, and some people may be punished and expelled from the house, and pay more attention to the cause and process of the incident.
The Golden Book of Zongmen is the most significant one among the three Zongmen Canon.
The handwriting on its face is damaged by magic. If magic tries to tear out a page by force, everything will be damaged, and it is even more impossible to add, delete and tamper with it, which will also destroy the whole gold book.
The golden book first records the door rules of the Sect, usually accompanied by notes on the sacred reading to explain how the Sect came into being and why there were such door rules, and then various ceremonies and rituals.
The genealogy of artifacts needs to be continued at any time. Once it is established, it can’t be changed at will, even deleted. If we want to change the genealogy of artifacts, we need not only the resolution of Zongmen, but also to melt and rebuild it.
It is precisely because of the uncertainty of the three codes of Zongmen that how this Sect of Zongmen was established and hidden, and what things and brothers have been thoroughly found out.
Dingfengtan has declined in contemporary times, but after all, there should still be a lot of things that have been inherited for thousands of years. When something changes, it is taken away by someone. Everything has become a law to verify the confused accounts. Someone has taken away the Three Classics of Zongmen, which must be the purpose.
Xiao Guang and other three brothers built Sanhu Town on the outskirts of Banda, and there was such a tortuous foreplay! How does "unification" know? There’s no explanation. Anyway, that’s what it told Hua Zhen.
However, "Tong" doesn’t know that there are many details in this message that are not clear, let alone impossible, because it has to be completed by Hua Zhenxing.
See Hua Zhen line become speechless reaction Xiao Guang also he was intimidated by himself and said, "I should be much older than Daoyou, just call you a China bro, you and me here? Our three brothers can also become four brothers in the future. Isn’t it good to keep in good health? "
Hua Zhenxing came to his senses and stood up. "It’s not convenient for you two to start work here. I’m afraid too much noise may hurt Gu. Can you change places?"
The school people finally lost their temper and flew into a rage. "You don’t have to change places if you want to die yourself!"
Xiao Guang waved his hand and said, "Third brother, we don’t have to take his life to teach him a lesson and swear!"

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