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Kate looked up and said "Thomas" to Thomas pentagram, the intelligent manager of manor.
Kate got up and said, "Did Mark tell you anything?"
Thomas paused for a moment, and finally because Kate had the same limit as Mark, Mark didn’t specifically explain the way out. "Madam, half an hour ago, Mr. Wang asked me to thoroughly investigate the bits and pieces of Miss Leslie Lewis Aegis College in the past four years, and at the same time thoroughly investigate the information of a Mr. Allen Carter from childhood to most."
Lai Lisi was in a hurry when she heard it.
Lailisi knew that this matter could not be hidden as soon as she met Mark. How long has it been since we met? This is so inexplicably exposed?
Lailisi thought quickly and said to Kate, "Kate, you must help me this time. I don’t want to disappear because of Allen."
"Don’t worry, I’m on your side," Kate said to Thomas Pentagram immediately after giving Lailisi a reassurance. "How much have you found out now?"
"Not much," Thomas Kate replied, "Miss Louise’s four-year activity track has been found out …"
Thomas is not finished yet.
Lailisi has covered her forehead and directly threw herself on the piano sofa. Chin, with red hair, smiled and patted Lailisi on the back to show comfort.
Thomas went on to say, "When I first investigated the information of this Allen Carter, the filing data of the local division of Aegis and the British division were being deleted quickly, but his information of Aegis College has been investigated clearly, and I am preparing to send it to Mr."
"Don’t send it yet"
"Madam this …"
"I asked you if I had the same limit as Mark."
"… yes"
"Then don’t send it yet."
"… Mrs White"
When Thomas stepped back, Kate looked at Leslie, who was comforted by Jean. Leslie made a gesture of great thanks to Kate.
Kate smiled, then immediately looked at Leslie and said, "What do you know about this Allen?"
Lailisi couldn’t help getting up and saying, "Kate, why do you ask?"
Kate sat down and said faintly, "You just heard that S.H.I.E.L.D. kept the information of this Allen Carter Aegis Academy but deleted the rest. Do you think Mark will react when he hears this?"
Leslie stared blankly. "Kate, you said you wouldn’t send it to Mark."
"But Mark will definitely see it," Kate said with a smile. "Even if I can get Thomas not to send the message now, what if Mark comes back?"
Leslie bulged her little face and was very upset.
Sit next to Kate, Alice said, "I just predicted that future of this Allen Carter."
"What about the result?" Lille looked at Alice and asked
Alice looked at Leslie and smiled and said, "I don’t see his future."
Leslie is about to cry.
No future?
as expected
Did Allen become a missing person by his old father and be buried in the Pacific Ocean?
What should we do?
Lille looked at her face and flashed a trace of anxiety. Leslie smiled and said, "Don’t worry, this is good news."
Alice can’t predict all of us here.
"… what do you mean?"
Lailisi blinked and looked at Alice. "But didn’t you just say that you also predicted …"
Leslie paused.
Kate and others in the living room glances are laughing.

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