The counting team needs to go to the rural areas in person to set up different calculation methods according to the types of soil, planting crops and so on.

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At the same time, they also learned from the successful operation of the workshop, and tried to integrate this principle into farmers’ production actions to enhance farmers’ enthusiasm for production.
This is an extremely large and complex project, and the regional difference is the main problem.
Good Su Yonglin introduced the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and Arabic numerals to his opponents long ago, and also attached great importance to the mathematical calculation ability of officials. The imperial examination regarded mathematical calculation as a very important assessment.
There are a large number of court officials, and they should deal with all aspects of court affairs.
For example, the artillery force relies on the team of counting officers to calculate the trajectory scientifically. The counting officers will help the gunners to calculate the longest range and the best shooting angle of the artillery, and begin to introduce the concepts of shooting door and sight to help them determine the shooting direction with high shooting accuracy.
There are many mathematical problems involved in this aspect, and the amount of calculation is also very large, which can not be solved in a short time
Relative economic distribution is also very important and complicated.
Su Yonglin has arranged a group of accountants to prepare for mathematics since the second year of Hongwu, and now more or less some achievements have been made, so he can start to select individual areas for physical economy experiments.
It takes a period of time to carry out the experiment in the economic experiment, and the final result comes out, so that we can sum up the experience, check the shortcomings and fill the gaps, and then promote this system to the society
Once this system is successfully promoted, Su Yonglin can believe that there will be no labor problem in terms of less infrastructure.
A large number of primary water conservancy projects and road projects will be enough, and the resistance of Malaysian agriculture to natural disasters will be greatly enhanced, and the court’s control over society will be further enhanced
This road to social change will also be an important step.
So Su Yonglin set up the Ministry of Agriculture alone to take charge of agricultural production and agricultural reform when there was a large-scale ideological turmoil in the Southern Song Dynasty in July of the fourth year of Hongwu.
Part of the posts were separated from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Finance and became agricultural posts.
Su Yonglin endowed the Ministry of Agriculture with considerable strength, including national agricultural policies, local agricultural production and agricultural disasters.
As far as the Ministry of Agriculture is concerned, the most important task is to promote the upgrading of farmers’ associations, agricultural cooperatives, extensive construction of the country, and economic development.
At the beginning, the pilot of physical economy was arranged nearby, and the Ministry of Agriculture decided to carry out the pilot of physical economy in 50 villages around the capital city.
Then the Ministry of Agriculture sent special personnel to these 50 villages to find villagers to preach about the sports economy, and brought the leaders of the peasant associations in 50 villages to the Ministry of Agriculture for a meeting to let them learn the main points of sports economy.
These 50 villages will undergo economic transformation after the autumn harvest this year, and enter the economic state in the early spring of this year.
The experimental period is not more than three years. During these three years, we will observe the advantages and disadvantages of the national economy, find out the shortcomings, fill the gaps and adjust the policies, and strive to come up with a set of policies that can promote the national economy
After arranging these things, Su Yonglin’s work has not become easier but more busy.
Dealing with politics, dealing with some chores, accompanying Zhao Xirui and growing up, from time to time, paying attention to the formation of a drama troupe and taking time to write articles, all of which are equivalent to not changing daily life, but with some unexpected situations, he also needs to devote himself to it.
Can be called the management master in the first half of the twelfth century.
Of course, this is not his wish. He wants to relax, but he doesn’t have the condition.
It’s like the news that the Yellow River Project came again in mid-July, and Su Yonglin left Zhongdu for Kaifeng again.
With previous experience, Tian Jue well coordinated all forces to cope with the flood peak and survived the rainy season this year.
Su Yonglin returned from his southern tour in late October, ready to welcome the envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty.
The Yellow River Project will be promoted rapidly in the coming period.
Tian Jue predicted that Hongwu would be able to complete almost half of the engineering quantity five years ago, and lay a good foundation for most of the whole project, and then some projects will be built, which will be very efficient.
He initially predicted that Hongwu would complete the Yellow River diversion project before the end of seven years, so that the Yellow River could return to its original course, save the banks of the Huaihe River and restore their former vitality.
At the latest, the project will be completely completed before the middle of Hongwu.
Su Yonglin, according to his prediction, also set the time for officially destroying the Song Dynasty in the south as Hongwunian, which was the time to train the new army and continue to promote the reform of the Ministry of State.
When the envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty arrived in Zhongdu with the escort troops, Su Yonglin also learned the results of the first battle of the Shenji Camp.
Su Yonglin was very happy to learn that the Shenji Camp became famous in World War I, and one person was killed, more than 30 people were injured, and more than 1,000 people were killed.
The success of the tactics of Shenji Camp means that this set of tactics and firearms is meaningful to the army and to the mainstream warfare mode of this era.
Even they can change the laws of war in this era.
Today, the Chinese landlords’ armed forces can be wiped out, and the entire Jiangnan reactionary forces can be wiped out in the next day.
Chapter 976 Chen xianggong sighs?
Su Yonglin’s expectation of Su Haisheng’s letter also gave Su Yonglin a great affirmation.
Su Yonglin smiled bitterly when he learned that Su Haisheng longed for something belonging to Qilu Corps.
At present, the production efficiency of the whole firearm is still not high, and large-scale investment is needed to ensure a certain amount of production efficiency and production mode, and it is necessary to change this aspect.
It is not a simple matter to replace firearms and equipment for the military body and transform the military surface into a magical camp. Not only are there technical problems that need to be broken through in production.
When will it be possible to produce firearms in an assembly line industry? It is not far from changing firearms on the military side.
So Su Yonglin can write back to Su Haisheng, telling him not to get too excited. Although the camp is tough, the production of firearms and equipment consumes a lot and the speed is slow. It is not easy to form more camps, so let him not be so impatient.
Haste makes waste.
Besides, this camp is directly compiled by the central imperial army and belongs to the imperial army. Tell him not to be greedy and honestly send them back or he will feel better!
Look, I won’t slap you!
However, it is naturally a good thing to say that the firearms force is recognized by the military. In the future, it will not be a problem to promote the semi-firearms and surface firearms of the big army.
With such a good mood, Su Yonglin personally greeted the envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty at the People’s Hall in Zhongdu in September of the fourth year of Hongwu.
Chen Kangbo, Yu Yunwen and Lu You, the envoys of the Southern Song Dynasty, set out from the middle of the month and entered the country. After waiting for a while, the Chinese side planned the route and arranged the treatment along the way.
The 100-member mission officially set off through Shandong and Hebei, entered Yanyun and finally arrived in Zhongdu.
The route they take all the way is the same as that of ordinary Chinese officials on business trips, and it is the same to pass through the post, and the accommodation and meals are the same as those of business officials.
Where you can travel by boat normally, you can plan the route reasonably by boat. After that, you can rest at the post office for three meals a day, and each post office can be solved.
It is this distance and the standard of three meals a day that makes Chen Kangbo and others feel inexplicable.
They felt that China was different from the Southern Song Dynasty in terms of lifestyle, which they were quite puzzled about.

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