Push the door gently, but it doesn’t seem that Jin Hu’s door is locked. Then, when he saw the move, he grabbed a thin branch and put it into the crack of the door with one hand. Then his ears suddenly stood up to judge whether Jin Hu was awakened by this sound by the movement in the room.

7 minutes, 15 seconds Read

After the calm atmosphere, the door moved quietly, and then a quick flicker went in, and then the door moved quickly like flowing water without delay.
What time did you leave the window instead of the window?
When I moved in, I was glad how correct this decision was. It turned out that Jin Hu hung bells in every window, but the bells would ring when someone tried to enter from outside!
When moving, I greeted the old fox’s house again, and then I carefully searched for Jing Su Qin to find something for myself.
That is, the correspondence between Jin Hu and the Dragon Sect. Once these evidences are found, Jiang Youmeng can annihilate these cancers with the help of the imperial power!
Time-shifting, a very experienced’ old thief’, didn’t look for those very hidden places because he guessed that the old fox would definitely put things in the most dangerous places.
As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place.
Sure enough, I found an envelope when I moved. I only smiled when I saw a word’ dragon’ in the envelope!
But at this time, Jin Hu suddenly got up a little angry and shouted!
Don’t find yourself …? Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w
Chapter 60 Collusion
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"Meow … meow … meow …"
When I moved, I had a flash of light, and then I heard a vivid kitten barking and a pop-up window? @++www * c The purpose is to convince Jin Hu that it is not a person but a kitten that broke into the house.
"Hand over the money and then go!" But who knows that Jin Hu didn’t seem to hear the cat meowing, but simply said something in his sleep and then "bang" fell down on the bed and fell asleep.
"Give it to your uncle!" I didn’t expect this bully to want to rob others’ money even when he was sleeping and talking in his sleep. It’s really hateful!
When moving, my heart burst into anger and then a smart breeze flashed out of the door.
Hey hey, isn’t Brother Jing Su Qin praising me this time? When moving, I was happy to think that another Zongyue flew out of the Jin Hu help hall.
"I said Jing Su Qin, are you sure?" Jiang Youmeng sat in a chair and was a little worried. Let a thief get something? "
"I told you that Shifan is my brother!" Jing Su Qin’s heart is a little uncomfortable. These people who eat imperial grain to protect their country and defend their country are like this. People with such a dirty record always have bad feelings.
Ginger dreams seem to realize that I put my foot in my mouth, and then I sigh in my heart and stop saying anything
Just then, a gust of breeze flashed through the background. When Su Qin saw the cover, he slowly set a thin man at the door. The man first showed a row of small white teeth, then waved his hand and then quickly came in.
"Did you get it?" Jing Su Qin knew that he had succeeded as soon as he saw this expression.
"I didn’t succeed when I moved!" Shi Qian was very proud to hand over the envelope to Jing Su Qin. "Did Big Brother eat me? I’m hungry!"
"Go to rest when you are ready to eat. Sleep in my room first!" Jing Su Qin ha ha a smile patted his brother and said
Because Jiang Youmeng and Ye Sufeng both live in a covered shop, Su Qin has to give up his room to move, but he is not his brother after all.
When moving nodded and Jing Su Qin said, he went to the back for dinner …
Jing Su Qin shook the envelope in his hand toward Jiang Youmeng, but he didn’t mean anything. He really wanted Jiang Youmeng to stop wearing colored glasses to look at people after he knew about the move and his ability.
"yuck!" Jiang Youmeng’s handsome little face was a little red with shame, but he still grabbed the envelope in Jing Su Qin’s hand.
Jiang Youmeng read the letter once and then suddenly said, "Today is the 20th?"
"It’s okay, it’s okay." Jiang Youmeng patted his chest to signal his peace of mind
Jing Su Qin was surprised to see such a scene and immediately said, "This is’ ok’? It’s so big! This chick is really demanding of herself! "
But simple-minded Jiang Youmeng didn’t think so much. She was a little happy to tell the letter to Jing Su Qin.
"According to the letter, Jin Hu and the True Dragon Religion really exist!" Jing Su Qin slowly smoothed her eyes and then said, "They both agreed to meet at the’ Big Buddha Temple’ on October 20th."
"Well …" Ginger dreams agreed, nodded and looked at Jing Su Qin. "You don’t have a beard! Don’t pretend to be a self-aging. "Then the jade hand covered its mouth and laughed. It finally sorted out a little mess, and Jiang’s dream became joyful.
"Let’s go to the Big Buddha Temple to find out!" Jing Su Qin firmly way
One night, the next day
Today, Jing Su Qin is still doing business in the store to flirt with Sun Xiaoxiao, but this girl is so thin-skinned that she can’t stand two sentences of’ flirting’ and leaves her with a red face.
Jing Su Qin looked at the thick books and was really not in the mood to take care of it. Suddenly, a figure flashed through his mind-Sun Xiucai!
Yeah! But let him be Mr. Accountant for himself!
In this way, Sun Xiucai became Mr. Jing Su Qin, who was able to cover the offices in the shop.
Near noon
Jing Su Qin and Jiang Youmeng went to the Big Buddha Temple in Jindu County together.
The Giant Buddha Temple is the largest temple in Jindu County, and the incense is the strongest. Every day, people come here to pray for the Buddha’s protection, and these pilgrims come to worship the Buddha for different purposes. They want money, marriage and peace, but Jing Su Qin can’t imagine that the real dragon taught them to meet in this place.
The only people who can explain that they often do bad things have to look for a god’s protection and an umbrella, so they will choose this place!
Two people slowly through the crowd at the moment so diffuse eyes in the crowd looking for the real dragon teach Jin Hu figure big Buddha temple area is too big, they didn’t say in the letter where the specific location can be so looking for, but Jing Su Qin knew that they both must have a unique way to connect is that they don’t know it.
It was not until two people came to a small courtyard behind the Big Buddha Temple that they faintly heard the voice of Jin Hu.
Jiang Youmeng’s feet piled up and a "spring onion" suddenly lurked in the yard like a beautiful and clever kitten, and a tree towering into the sky quietly listened to what they were talking about.
But at this time, Jing Su Qin is embarrassed. He can’t go to the tree by flying skill. Although he learned a little from the old fisherman’s secret book, how can this kind of thing be a theory without practice? That’s fine. I can wait for the old fisherman to come back and teach myself again. But where did this youngest son go?
Naijing Su Qin looked slowly into the courtyard through the crack of the courtyard door and saw that there were three figures in the courtyard. Jin Hu gang leader and the killer of the True Dragon Sect who saw a mask on that day, it seems that he should be the representative of the True Dragon Sect.
However, there is another person who turned his back on Jing Su Qin and let him see the true face of this person. However, he thinks that this person is familiar with himself and must have seen it there, but he can’t remember it at the moment.
Although I can see them, but! Su Qin couldn’t hear a word they said, and he always felt like he was watching a pantomime.

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