Then the woman smiled and said, "What are you doing here, young master?"

3 minutes, 58 seconds Read

The woman quickly rebuked the dog and stopped barking. The dog stopped barking and shrank into the kennel. Qin Guangmin entered the hospital and asked the fat woman.
"That that Sargam? I want to see her. "
The fat woman looked embarrassed when she heard this. She said, "Madam has a life that no one can talk to her."
Qin Guangmin stared at the fat woman with a frosty face and said, "Take me!"
The fat woman saw that the young master was angry and dared not talk nonsense again. She took Qin Guangmin through a pile of firewood and came to a low house. She took out her key and knocked Qin Guangmin into the house.
As soon as I entered the room, a damp, foul and moldy smell came on me.
In the dim light, Qin Guangmin saw the Sargam shrinking kang. She was wrapped in two dirty and rotten cotton rags. In many places, cotton was exposed outside. In some places, there was no rag left. There was also a brazier beside the kang. The charcoal in the brazier was almost burnt out. Although the girl was wrapped in two broken beds, she was still shivering.
She is sallow and emaciated, and her cheekbones are high and pointed. Her face is lifeless, her sunken eyes are blank and dull, and her hair is dirty and messy like a bird’s nest.
Qin Guangmin went to the kang and asked her, "What’s your name?"
The girl seemed to recognize Qin Guangmin, and she looked a little excited. She stretched out a pair of thin hands from the cotton rags, and her skin was chapped everywhere. Her mouth gave out "ahhh" with her hands gesticulating.
The fat woman said to Qin Guangmin please, "Master, her name is Ma Yuhua, and she is dumb and speechless."
Qin Guangmin suddenly said to the fat woman, "Get out!"
The fat woman paused for a moment and then went out to guard the door.
Qin Guangmin reached the kang. He raised his hand and lifted Sargam’s left hair. Seeing that her left ear had a blue birthmark as big as a nail, Sargam looked very upset.
Qin Guangmin retracted his hand and said to Sargam, "You, don’t be afraid that I will ask you now. If you nod, don’t you shake your head?"
Sargam busy or nodded.
So Qin Guangmin asked
"Are you a horse at the age of 21 this year?"
Sargam nodded.
"Are you born on the fifth day of July?"
Sargam nodded.
"You you don’t call Ma Yuhua you call Lin Shuang? Do you still have a brother named Lin Yi? "
Sargam heard that the gloomy eyes suddenly gave off a luster, and her expression was even more exciting. She nodded desperately. It’s hard to believe how the young master knew this, and tears welled up in her eyes.
It turns out that this Sargam is really Lin Yi’s sister Lin Shuang.
Qin Guangmin was very sad to see Lin Yi’s sister end up in such a miserable situation.
Qin Guangmin didn’t speak to him again.
Lin Shuang climbed to the kang with tears and reached out and grabbed Qin Guangmin’s sleeve. Her mouth made a "whoop pharynx pharynx" sound. She seemed to want to ask Qin Guangmin if she knew her real name was Lin Shuang and her brother was Lin Yi.
Qin Guangmin said to her, "Let me go."
Lin Shuang looked at Qin Guangmin crying and slowly put his sleeve.
Qin Guangmin went out of the house and the fat woman locked the door again.
Qin Guangmin said to the fat woman, "Bring her another quilt and some food. I’ll ask her if you don’t do it. I’ll kill you."
Qin Guangmin’s words made the fat woman shudder. She said in horror, "I will do it."
Then Qin Guangmin left the yard to leave a fat woman with a puzzled look on her face.
Early the next morning, Qin Guangmin went to the cabin in the mountain to find Lin Yi.
Qin Guangmin told Lin Yi what happened in Sargam last night.
Qin Guangmin said, "I didn’t know that she was your sister. If I had known me earlier, I would have tried to make her feel better …"
Qin Guangmin Lin Yi will be very excited when he hears the news of his sister, and then ask him about Lin Shuang carefully, but Qin Guangmin didn’t expect Lin Yi to bite.
It was his face that became very cold.
Cold is daunting.
Cold seems to freeze the whole world!
Finally, Lin Yikou

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