Cheng Jinzhou is not in a hurry to go back and simply sit on the other side of the table. After four people introduce each other and get inspired, they pick up their discussion records and watch them.

10 minutes, 19 seconds Read

Most of the records are light refraction, which is the most familiar part of Cheng Jinzhou, which makes him feel at ease immediately. If he wants to play optics in this world, he is really confident.
Zhang Tinghua waited for Cheng Jinzhou to see most of it before he whispered, "We found that in the process of refraction, light doesn’t seem to be very, very accurate, resulting in an idea that light may not be a straight line."
Of course, light is not an absolute straight line. The so-called wavelength of light is actually fluctuating. It is also based on the horse principle-or the figure who is difficult to avoid in the 17th century-and it has developed the shortest light principle, so that people may be more accurate in a few hundred years, but it is hard to understand that it seems unnecessary in the 17th century.
Cheng Jinzhou frowned tightly and said, "Do you think light is not an absolute straight line?"
"in a broad sense, yes, but it doesn’t always keep a straight line."
Cheng Jinzhou remembers that the older star warlock named Qin Kun was also a leisure aristocrat. He had a toothache when something went wrong. He didn’t know how much the other person knew. He shook his shoulders and quickly turned over the discussion records before saying, "I don’t know under what circumstances you know this."
Normal people will never find the light distorted when they look at beautiful women, but it is possible to have a half-length distortion.
"When we observe the Grizzly bear constellation, we feel that the light has changed." The others in Qin Kun look at each other
It was astronomical Cheng Jinzhou who patted his head and thought for a moment. "If you don’t mind, I’ll give you an answer in a few days."
If he asks other questions, he may be vague in the past, but since it is optics, he has a heart to guide him-it would be great if he could follow his own research direction
Zhang Tinghua hurriedly wrote himself and others on paper, not only with detailed address, but also with information about the authentication stone Cheng Jinzhou, just to think of it, they took out the authentication stone and touched each other.
Cheng Jinzhou swayed out of the door of the association and four star warlocks stuffed their heads in the dim light again.
Shi inkstone can wait outside the rest area. He even drank several cups of strong tea, and his eyes were as green as tea. When Cheng Jinzhou came out, he came running with a face of gratitude. "Three boys from the maritime firm came to see you several times."
After 9 pm, Cheng Jinzhou glanced at Shi Yan when he was sober and said, "Did you take money from others?"
"I …" Shi inkstone startled.
Cheng Jinzhou waved his hand and said, "It’s all right if you want to accept the door bag, but be careful if you damage the main house."
He let Shi Yan kneel down directly in his plain words.
"Let’s talk about things." Cheng Jinzhou was secretly pleased that his maritime firm had not settled the deal. If the inkstone didn’t take the money from others, he wouldn’t be anxious, excited and worried about the spoil the broth-for both parties, he could be mistaken or it could be a maritime firm’s business.
Shi inkstone swallowed and whispered, "They say they want some sugar, no matter how much you talk about it in the past …"
He wanted to say something, but he was too timid to say it, and he didn’t know how many things the other party secretly regretted getting five taels of silver.
Cheng Jinzhou fudged and nodded, "What’s the price?"
Shi inkstone gently shook his head.
"Then leave it to you to talk about it." Cheng Jinzhou stared his one eye. "Ask carefully."
"Yes" Shi inkstone saw that Cheng Jinzhou didn’t break into a furious rage, and his temper became more and more careful.
Cheng Jinzhou himself thinks that maritime merchants generally require a large quantity of goods. Since the other party says no matter how much, he may try to make friends-he is not self-expanding. Cheng Jiadi plus a star warlock title is not a top status in a group of Gao Qian brothers in Hong Wen Pavilion, but it is definitely not small in the whole Xia Jing or the so-called merchant world. If he goes back to Shaonan now, it is no problem to have a small family.
If it weren’t for the time when I saw a nobleman, he might have traded several times. Thought of this, Cheng Jinzhou also wanted to make full use of it and ordered again, "You should rent a few docks to be quieter and more convenient to get in and out."
"It’s up to you to talk about things with the maritime guild." Cheng Jinzhou emphasized, "If there is another problem, I will sell you to the extreme west."
Shi inkstone green tea face suddenly turned into oolong tea.
Chapter one hundred and three Door province
It’s not that Cheng Jinzhou was hot-headed at the moment when he handed over the maritime firm to Shi inkstone. He was only 13 years old, and there was no one who could choose Shi inkstone to follow him for a while. Speaking of it, he was also a person with high loyalty. Since ancient times, emperors like eunuchs, but eunuchs are often not excellent, so they are more trusted because they are around.
In Cheng Jinzhou’s view, the maritime firm is not a big deal. It is not bad that there are many merchants in the Xia Dynasty. Of course, this is an opportunity for Shi Yan, but he can’t fully realize it himself.
The next morning, Cheng Jinzhou took Mengda to the West Wharf, and then called out an independent trading platform in the rented warehouse to buy 1 ton of sugar, put it away and quietly withdrew it. The whole process was also a long time. If he could control the supply of goods and channels, he did not participate in the specific transaction, but in fact, most aristocratic families did the same with their business foundation. After the expansion, the principal’s family was usually separated from the contract-the rules of the Great Xia Dynasty were that the landlords and nobles were not allowed to engage in other businesses before Cheng Jinzhou, and the way of making money from Cheng Jia could now.
Shi inkstone is not clear about Cheng Jinzhou’s layout, but he is somewhat afraid to contact the maritime firm and carefully observe his attitude.
Leijiacha etc. The students ignored him and let him talk about the time and price. Just having a star warlock can make him feel overwhelmed. What’s more, there are still many things in Hongwen Museum. Fortunately, he has become a star warlock. Although the professors are not eager to curry favor with him, they will not ask him to succeed in winning the special prize again according to ordinary students.
It seems that it has been Cheng Jinzhou’s patent to get special education in school, so although he is comfortable, he is not grateful at all. Now he is the teacher of the Star Warlock Association, reporting and reading on time every day, and at the same time checking his contribution in the certification stone.
Of course, the latter is the most important.
From four contribution points to four contribution points, Cheng Jinzhou waited for one month; He went for another month from 6 contribution points to 23 contribution points; But in the next few days, he can get one contribution point every day, excluding 52 contributions, and there are still 76 contributions in Jinzhou.
Sitting in the spacious seat of the Star Warlock Association, Cheng Jinzhou has already considered his life as a two-star warlock.
"Good morning, Mr. Cheng." As usual, there will be people who don’t know the star warlock to greet Cheng Jinzhou. Like him, there are always more than a dozen people who come to the Association’s archives every day to report on the star warlock. Naturally, he is the oldest.
But now the biggest name is Cheng Jinzhou.
There are more and more optical arguments from the outer peninsula to the palace. Although these arguments inevitably tend to be abstract, which makes fewer and fewer people lead to achievements, many astrologers are recognized as Cheng Jinzhou workers by name.
This is very rare for disdainful gentlemen.
When I hear Cheng Jinzhou pretending to say hello, I smile back and occasionally say "hello", and I will continue to look down at these self-proclaimed elite and true elite gentlemen. Compared with them, he always feels a sense of estrangement. On the other hand, sitting in the archives of the Astrologers Association, he often has a sense of pride or pride in his heart, which makes his expression more like a normal Astrologer.
Two astrologers’ apprentices push a chirping cart to classify one in the rack. One of them seems to have mastered gravity, and he can make the automatic take-off and landing by waving a left hand and a right hand, and the landing point is accurate. He has carefully practiced the association rack, which can be up to two stories high. If he has no skills and can’t fly, it is also difficult to see.
Cheng Jinzhou has some envy. There are the most natural optics in the archives. This is a discipline that has not yet been established. No matter whether there is research at hand or not, everyone will still note that half of the borrowed books belong to the report on new achievements in optics.
However, the more lively the theory is, the more difficult it is to maintain its vitality. Now, few people have cited the optical derivation process in the article. With the increase of familiarity, the recognition directly makes the conclusion enough. Now, it is possible that Jinzhou has increased its contribution many days ago.
Leijiacha etc. Students’ newly submitted Record of New Properties of Light was copied and placed in the left column. Presumably, other assistants are also sending it to other cities. If the position of Jiang Huang’s star warlock is achieved, their new achievement report will definitely be broadcast through the star array for the first time, but because of this, their new achievements often need to be considered again, and the speed is far from that of new star warlocks.
A warlock who got up to watch the stars soon found Cheng Jinzhou’s name on the ridge and said with a smile, "Congratulations". Cheng Jinzhou got up and held his fuels, but it was quite easy for twenty or thirty people at most in the room.
After sitting down, Cheng Jinzhou inserted the authentication stone into the metal trough and secretly waited to see the digital changes. In fact, it didn’t make much sense to do so. Except for people like Cheng Jinzhou, who could have seen a paper and changed hands in the afternoon and then wrote another one, but in his heart, he couldn’t, and he was a little worried about some expectations.
Young’s double-slit interference is famous because it is a very simple and clear experiment, which proves the existence of optical interference and thus the fluctuation of light. For a long time, this experiment dominated the understanding of optics in the whole scientific society. If we wait for a while, Jinzhou believes that we can get a two-star warlock title by this experiment alone, although it may take some years to accumulate.
But now he can’t estimate how much people will agree with him.
During the whole day, the Record of the New Properties of Light was read by the astrologers. Because there were not many, when the astrologers who wanted to see it could not find it, they could also ask the apprentice of the Association to copy a copy again. By the end of the day, there were more than ten racks.
Of course, the contribution points will not increase because of this.

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