The prophet of the first clan of Jiao had to jump and dodge to one side.

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Tongtian strong people can use the power of heaven and earth, but here, after all, it is a big place, and the water energy is far more intense than fire, and the clan leader of the pincer shark is the water monk.
The prophet of the Jiaoshou clan is injured and the realm has not been restored. It is naturally at a disadvantage to increase the land occupation.
In this case, she also knows that even if she wants to die with each other, it is difficult.
"Prophet, please find a way to trap that big one for a while and I’ll help you solve him!"
Just when the prophet of Jiao Shouzu was desperate, a not-so-familiar sound entered her ear.
She frowned slightly, but she didn’t look for the source of the sound. She had already judged who made the sound.
Although I was very surprised by Xiao Lingyu’s appearance and words, the prophet of the first clan of Yan Jiao had not chosen that she could take a risk.
"Shark King, try my avatar … hell!"
The prophet of the dumpling clan drank lightly, and thick flames poured out of her delicate body in a breath, which enveloped the surrounding large areas and enveloped the huge body of the shark king.
"Ha-ha, although some doorways of this magical power of Hell are displayed by you, you can still show it in two breaths!"
The shark king gave a contemptuous laugh, and then his pair of giant pliers stirred up in the fire, and a blue whirlpool formed immediately.
At this time, Xiao Lingyu jumped up and there was chaos in the whole body. The real fire crustily skin of head rushed into the fire.
In the instant of the collapse of hell, he suddenly opened a red light of destruction and hit the huge head of the shark king very accurately.
Shark king also found something wrong when Xiao Lingyu flew near. Unfortunately, this fire trapped his huge body at this moment. When the red light of destruction flew, he ducked. After all, he couldn’t have thought of the dumpling clan prophet and helpers, and he didn’t even think that the short-term hardship effect of this fire was to give other strong people a chance to hit himself.
The original shark king thought that he was seriously injured at most this time, but when the destructive red light penetrated the blue ice layer on his body surface, he knew that he might be finished.
Bang! ! !
There was an explosion, and the huge head of the shark king was blown into a fog of blood.
Then the shark king Shen Ying flew out of his body and walked away in horror towards the distance.
"Come back!"
Nv Jiao, the prophet of the first clan of Jiao, once again broke out in a blaze of fire and bound the shark king Shen Ying.
Xiao Lingyu then put himself in two places at once to help the dumpling clan army attack the pincer shark clan.
Losing the shark king, such a powerful dumpling prophet, would be the enemy. Although she was alone, she was a powerful dumpling. When she waved her hand, there were fire dragons flying out of the cuffs. Every fire dragon fell into the army of pincers and sharks, and a large number of pincers and sharks could be instantly cleared.
Gradually, the army of pincers learned that the shark king had fallen, and the fear in their hearts had collapsed.
A powerful man rushed into the pincers’ army without restriction, and the natural forces of the pincers’ army resisted them. One by one, the masters of the holy period were obliterated by the first clan prophets of Jiao …
The war also went on for less than an hour, and the army of pincer sharks retreated in panic, while the army of dumpling clan tried to cover up and kill them.
The prophet of Jiao Shouzu has no wide pincers, and she pursues them relentlessly, but the target is the expert of the pincers’ holy spirit and emperor period.
Will clamp shark clan this army holy spirit and god emperor after killing clean, she is directly killed into the clamp shark clan territory continue to clean the clamp shark clan strong look at her posture, even if not to kill the clamp shark clan god Wang Jiangzhe let clamp shark clan completely lose its foothold in the East China Sea strength.
Xiao Lingyu didn’t worry. He went back to the dumpling clan mountain city alone, where he meditated and waited for the return of the dumpling clan prophet.
After waiting for less than a hundred years, the army of the dumpling clan finally moved back. Although it was the victorious division, it could first clean up the Claw Claw Claw clan and then sweep the Claw Shark clan. Although the dumpling clan gained more benefits than the rich battle, the whole army also came back. Thirteen or four was a heavy loss.
However, the continuous slaughter of two races with strong strength is to let other races nearby see the dumpling clan. Even though the dumpling clan is weak to the extreme, no race is willing to attack the dumpling clan at this time.
Naturally, the prophet of the dumpling clan would not hang Xiao Lingyu outside the mountain city. She politely invited Xiao Lingyu into the mountain city and into the temple.
In Xiao Lingyu’s visit, the prophet of the first clan of Jiao has learned from the mouth of the holy god stationed in the mountain city that Xiao Lingyu does not need to repeat it.
Compared with Xiao Lingyu’s request for help from the dumpling clan, the prophet of the dumpling clan will naturally not refuse to enter the celestial coffin to practice once.
In addition to agreeing to let Xiao Lingyu borrow the coffin dumpling, the first clan prophet also gave Xiao Lingyu a lot of war benefits this time.
After all, it is the two races who have collected this wealth for many years, and Xiao Lingyu can’t help but be tempted. However, he didn’t accept the gifts given by the prophet of Jiao Shouzu, but asked to choose some from all the benefits.
Xiao Lingyu’s request is not too much. He doesn’t choose many things, all of which are the materials he needs for his impact.
Among many gains, Xiao Lingyu values two things most: one is the body of the shark king and the other is the main material needed to impact the nine turns.
The shark king’s body and baby were given by Xiao Lingyu to eat goods and swallowed up. There is such a strong man who is full of essence energy, which is already the peak of the later period of the holy spirit. Eating goods can be successfully promoted to Tongtian territory, but it takes a while to sleep.

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