"Plump" The Jade Emperor sat on the ground for a long time after hearing Nezha’s return, but he didn’t react, regardless of the cold sweat on his face and shouted at the mountain soldiers, "Tell all the emperors and gods to come and wait with me at the worse gate!"

10 minutes, 54 seconds Read

How dare they neglect the soldiers to call people to follow the Jade Emperor out of the worse …
A group of heaven bosses outside the newly built Nantianmen take the lead! The most important thing is that "Hao Tian Jin Que respects the natural beauty and has the Miracle Jade Emperor" (Jade Emperor) wearing a yellow dragon robe! Beside the Jade Emperor is the Heavenly Mother, who is dressed in Cai Feng!
On the other side, the five Boos-level figures, namely, the Arctic Ziwei Emperor, the Zhenwutian Beidou Demon Zhenwu Emperor, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, the Tsinghua Tianzun Emperor (Taiyi saves the suffering Tianzun) and the Houtudian Empress, have never stood side by side with the Jade Emperor for hundreds of years!
At this time, in addition to the "East Pole Day" Donghua Grand Emperor and the "West Pole Day", the two emperors of Chen Gong Emperor are no longer together, and there is still no fight. This situation is really once in a million years!
Behind the Jade Emperor, a row of leaders is naturally too old gentleman to take the lead, and then the celestial lords of all parties, except Wen Zhong, don’t listen to the command, and four heavenly kings are badly injured!
After waiting for half an hour, I saw a golden light, which was extremely golden. As early as that, the first master of heaven, the Beidou Swing Magic Zhenwu Emperor, grabbed it in his hand with the load. Zhenwu Emperor obviously underestimated the power of this thing and actually retreated three steps in a row before stabilizing himself. When he looked at it, it turned out to be a scroll. The scroll wrote
The jade emperor’s children are always looking for Tathagata, and they won’t come! My two disciples’ official positions are up to you. If I’m not satisfied, you’ll die! Zhenwuxiao, you won’t wait for me to compete. If you pick me up and don’t return this scroll, you’ll win!
At this time, Emperor Zhenwu, a demon in the Big Dipper, suddenly sighed with a sigh, "I’ve been closed for hundreds of years, but I’m a higher man. Today, when I see my Zhenwu, I’m just a frog at the bottom of the well …" Zhenwu said with a wave of his hand, he floated away to listen to Emperor Zhenwu’s way, "I’m going to close for a thousand years, and don’t come to me before the sky falls, or everyone will kill me!"
Empress Hou’s face was complicated and she glanced away. Emperor Zhenwu suddenly smiled at everyone. "Since the bodhi old zu didn’t come, I also went to see you!" Say that finish floating away!
The Jade Emperor smiled awkwardly and handed over to the remaining emperors. "It’s better for you to get together than for me …"
Qinghua Tianzun "No time!"
Ziwei the Great "Wave Feelings!"
The immortal emperor "let’s find out again!"
The three emperors didn’t give a damn. The Jade Emperor turned around and left. The Jade Emperor just wanted to turn around and ask the owners to stay for dinner for one day. As a result, he turned around … Except for Nezha, there were no birds …
"Ah …" The Jade Emperor patted Nezha on the shoulder and said, "You are still loyal!"
Nezha suddenly a tingle looked up and saw the Jade Emperor looking around blankly and suddenly said, "Ah? It’s okay? Holy shit, I fell asleep! Then I’ll go first! " Say that finish the blink of an eye disappeared!
The Jade Emperor "…"
Not to mention that all the people in the 33 celestial realms dispersed like a single statement, at this time, the Leiyin Temple in Lingshan, the paradise of the West!
The Tathagata is sitting in the mouth of the high lotus platform, saying that the Mahayana Buddhism suddenly stopped. In the amazing eyes of everyone, the Tathagata actually put it away, which seemed to be an eternal smile. Everyone was very aware that the Tathagata’s facial muscles twitched!
The blurred eyes of the ancient Buddha suddenly burst into a ray of light, and then he rose from the lotus platform and looked at the gate of Leiyin Temple with a dignified face …
"Haha … Sakyamuni, long time no see. Did you fucking miss me?" Speaking, a middle-aged Taoist wearing a pine crane and a purple crown swaggered in. All the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Lohan and Shami present had rich faces and expressions! Don’t say that Pu is coming!
Dragon Lohan quickly wrapped himself around five golden dragons and earned it in his arms! Just kidding! This is not the time when the golden dragon was beheaded. He finally found a golden dragon with five catches. Where is he willing to take it out again? Although his name is Jiang Long, he has to be told to do so by a dragon, right? Now those dragons are so powerful behind each other that it’s hard to find one with four claws or the five-claw golden dragon. It took him hundreds of years to find it!
Not only the Dragon Lohan, but everyone thinks that they are humble, and they put away their treasures one by one for fear that bodhi old zu would borrow them for "playing" for two days after seeing them …
"It turned out that the bodhi old zu visited and didn’t know if he had knowledge?" Tathagata naturally knows what Pu is doing, and secretly scolds in his heart, "Do you have to come to me if you want to go?" I am easy to me? "
Pu went to the crowd and took out the sandalwood kendo behind him. "Cut the crap and come to you to play a few hands!" Come out or I’ll tear down your screamo temple! Don’t say that you are not better than me. Do you believe it or not? "
The previous step of burning the ancient Buddha "Amitabha Buddha … let me learn a few tricks from the bodhi old zu first, ok?" He has been practicing penance since he was defeated by Pu. At this moment, his opponent is in front of him. Can he give it to someone else?
Bodhisattva "Hehe" sneered at an ebony sword and suddenly turned into a phantom behind him. He came to the front of the burning lamp and gently said, "Are you worthy?"
"Whoosh …" The burning ancient Buddha flew out and bumped into the golden cylinder of the hall and fainted! Tathagata’s face looked horrified because he didn’t see how the ancient Buddha flew with a burning lamp …
The Tathagata calmed down and said, "Since the bodhi old zu has reached such a state, why bother with me?" That means, "You have something to do, you go and hit Human-God! What are you and me? "
"Ha ha … ha ha ….." Pu suddenly burst out laughing, and the roar was carried in this laughter to lock the direction of Tathagata …
The Tathagata felt waves beating on his chest, saying, "If I heard that the Buddha was wearing a bowl when he was eating in sravasti, giving a tree to all the thousands and two hundred and fifty people in the Lonely Garden, and he was begging in the Great City of Shewei, where he was still eating, washing his clothes, washing his feet and sitting down …"
It is the Tathagata who looks at family affairs and claims to be the strongest defense against the Diamond Sutra law! Once this scripture was read by Tathagata, it resisted Bodhisattva’s laughter and they were deadlocked for a while!
But seeing a bodhi old zu unhurriedly smiled and suddenly shook, he saw a bodhi old zu surrounded by ten thousand bodhi old zu in Qian Qian. Those bodhi old zu laughed, cried, roared and lamented … At that time, negative emotions condensed into substance in the mouth of bodhi old zu, moving towards the Tathagata!
By this time, Tathagata’s head was full of sweat, and two thick lips didn’t seem to be as fluent as usual! It is these negative emotions that are completely cut by the Tathagata as soon as they enter the Tathagata platform, which shows that the Tathagata’s mind is cultivated!
"Bitter seas never turn back!" Tathagata suddenly opened his eyes and roared, and his tall figure suddenly glowered! Suddenly, I burst into a colorful light and shouted, "My Buddha is merciful to the world … The Buddha shines!" Tathagata, the Buddha, Bodhisattva, Lohan people flew away as if they knew that the first magical power of Buddhism was powerful!
Bodhisattva said, "Come on!" Instantly recovered the so-called split is not as good as the face!
However, seeing that the Bodhisattva was smiling, she said out of turn, "Is it natural to have Buddha’s mercy when you return to Buddhism?" It’s a light statement, and it’s not as imposing as the Tathagata, but …
The Buddha’s eyes suddenly disappeared. He knew that this was the Taoist avatar who dared not neglect to promote Buddhism to the extreme, and the Buddha’s light stung everyone in a few minutes!
"Poof …" One mouthful blood sprayed out and landed on the ground of screamo Temple, which was more enchanting and harsh! This blood belongs to Tathagata …
"I lost!" The Tathagata finally spoke for a long time. At this time, his face was so bad that his body almost collapsed. A smile appeared on his mouth and he stood upright and said, "Thank you, bodhi old zu, for solving my doubts!"
"Ha-ha ….." Pu turned around and helped the sleeves without answering, but couldn’t say how elegant and free and easy it was!
As it was hundreds of years ago, no one knows that losers are like winners and losers are like winners!
That time, Pu was physically weak and took the initiative to admit defeat, and this time the Tathagata finally ended his enemy deification with one mouthful of blood!
But Tathagata is Tathagata, just like Bodhi is Bodhi. There is a Bodhi and a Tathagata on this day!
Bodhisattva left and stayed …
Ps chapter 2!
Empress Hou explained the chaos in ancient and modern literature. Here, according to the saying that "Houtu is a woman", it is said in Shanhaijing … Holy shit! I’m not writing about mountains and seas. Let him sink! Measure the Buddha …
The first chapter is an animal who is close to an animal.
"Ha ha … lonely king?" Taibai Venus waits respectfully for the orphan after reading the jade emperor’s letter.
In the jade emperor’s letter, the general idea is to invite Gu Tiansheng and Sun Wutian court officer! That’s right! Just please! Because this time, the jade emperor gave them official positions. This time, the Jade Emperor was cruel. Please ask the orphan to take over the post of Gouchen Emperor and give him the name "Mundus". Sun Wutian took over the post of Donghua Emperor and gave him the name "Qi Tian Sheng Di"!
To the Jade Emperor, it is not qualified to appoint an emperor. The emperor’s position needs to be agreed by all the reigning emperors, but other emperors have let the Jade Emperor do whatever he wants for many years, and the Jade Emperor can’t consider so much!
But there is nothing real about these two seats. The emperor should have a fief, not to mention the emperor. The marshal should have his own fief. But since the emperor Gou Chen vanished, the Donghua emperor came to Lv Dongbin to reincarnate them, and the jade emperor took over the "West Pole Day" and "East Pole Day". How could the jade emperor take it out to others?
But it doesn’t matter if there is no fief, and I don’t care if I don’t want to fief at this time, but it just makes the jade emperor feel that he doesn’t have much ambition. Now the heaven seems peaceful, but it is undercurrent. Everyone knows that the third world war is not far away. Who doesn’t want to fish in troubled waters? Lonely born don’t want to put yourself in the forefront!
And the imaginary number in this fairy is quite different from that of people! In terms of people, it is natural to "prefer the head to the phoenix tail". It is better to be an emperor like Emperor Han Xian than to be a plain magistrate like Liu Bei! However, in heaven, especially in peacetime, this seat of emperor can be said to be one person and ten thousand people. Because of loneliness, I am born with my own strength, and other natural things are called!
Of course, some things are naturally unsatisfactory, which will be discussed by him and the Jade Emperor!

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