Eric Suen Yiu Wai waved his big sleeve to detain hundreds of horses in the hall. These horses are all strengthened in three generations. On the basis of the three generations of horses, they have improved their attack and defense capabilities, and they have several special abilities, such as spraying silk screens to catch opponents’ mounts, spraying highly corrosive liquids, and cursing magic and spells.

9 minutes, 6 seconds Read

At present, there are 10,000 three-generation strengthened Tianma in Hundun, and hundreds of horses have been called out this time, mainly because the temple is too small, otherwise the scene is absolutely spectacular.
"Good, good, really good. These Tianma are very good. I don’t ask you to cultivate the Griffin beast. If there is such a Tianma, give me a thousand horses and I will promise you to ask the horses to draw a line with the temples." Odin said quickly.
"It’s impossible to give it. It’s just a businessman who pays for it with one hand and delivers it with one hand. How about giving you a discount at most?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai said with a smile that the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.
"Yeah, yeah, you can’t give a deal. Hahaha" Odin also laughed.
"There is no problem with a thousand horses, but I have to give them to you in batches. If I give them to you now, wouldn’t it be very passive if you suddenly go back on your seat?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai now has 10,000 such Tianma around him, and it’s really not a problem to sell one thousand of them to each other.
"Ok, how about two hundred horses at a time and five times?" Odin wanted to think a way
"No problem, I can give you 200 horses now. You can take them out to the mount exhibition and see who is stronger. After that, I hope to hear the news that Odin Temple has been withdrawn from the front, otherwise the transaction will be done later. Although the number of 200 horses is quite large, it’s really nothing. What’s worse, you have to pay for Lingjing." Eric Suen Yiu Wai laughed.
"You can rest assured that Odin is not a gentleman, but thankless things have never been done. I just want to get some mounts from them. Now with your help, they can be thrown out to sea." Odin said.
"How the temple and decent mounts? What have I never heard of? " Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked.
"Then B not Sedong promised me that he would sell me one hundred killer whales," Odin explained.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha" Eric Suen Yiu Wai suddenly burst out laughing.
"What are you laughing at?"
"It’s just funny. Do you know that the so-called killer whales and beasts are B not stuffed in winter and sent sea monsters to force B and force him to cultivate, but is it the kind of person who is easily threatened? Since he is unkind, I can also be unjust. His so-called killer whales and beasts are just a trick. He estimates that B is not hiding at home and crying now. "Eric Suen Yiu Wai explained.
What he said was to tell Odin not to think of any bad ideas, or he would be treated like an idiot if he didn’t get the mount.
Sure enough, Odin paused after listening to Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s words and then smiled unnaturally.
"You’re not thinking about forcing you to do things, are you?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked with a smile.
"No, no, no,no. How can there be such a thing? You can rest assured," Odin quickly explained.
"There is no best, then the two hundred Pegasus horses will stay here. You can just give the crystal to the one called Aobufan outside. He is my brother’s trustworthy." Eric Suen Yiu Wai no longer turned and walked outside after speaking.
"Wait a minute"
"What’s the matter?"
"I promised to give the selected person the god of animal husbandry, so I won’t go back on my word. Are you ready to accept it?" Odin asked.
"The faun is a secondary deity, I’m not rare." Eric Suen Yiu Wai left the pie mouth.
"No, it belongs to the first-class gods now, and it is equal to me," Odin said.
"luàn you freely say the level of your gods?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai suspected re-entry way
"There is no hierarchy among gods, but a hierarchy requires you to have a first-class deity, so even the most rubbish gods will be promoted to a first-class deity," Odin explained.
"Well, I’m too lazy to listen to the redundant explanation. I want to ask a question now. Will this Rush deity affect the cultivation of the seat?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai asked.
"Godhead gives you an identity and a special qualification to make divine power, but it does not affect the cultivation of ills. You can rest assured that" Odin explained.
"Well, well, then," Eric Suen Yiu Wai said, "It’s not bad to have multiple goddesses. Our vision should be far away. Maybe we can still have this so-called goddesses.
Odin closed his eyes and recited a spell. Then he saw a golden Se crown on Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s head. After a while, the crown disappeared. Odin also opened his eyes.
"Well, it’s over. Now you are one of the gods in Odin’s temple, and you will be worshipped and benefited by Odin’s believers. Naturally, you will feel it slowly after a lot." Odin smiled and laughed.
"Thank you very much. If you don’t think a thousand horses are enough, send someone directly to Fengtian Palace to find me. Even if I’m not here, someone will help you with your affairs." Eric Suen Yiu Wai thought for a while.
"Just recently, we have a second-class god in Odin Temple, who is responsible for mounting. Would you like to introduce me to you?"
"Then you don’t have to meet the Medusa outside." Eric Suen Yiu Wai laughed secretly. Now this Odin temple mount business base is monopolized by him. After all, the Medusa is also his side. It’s a pity that Odin is afraid of dreaming.
After leaving the main city of Odin, Eric Suen Yiu Wai did not delay in Luduo and soon returned to the North Heaven.
"Where did you go this trot? I said I wouldn’t let you luàn run away. What’s a horse keeper doing in the battlefield? Who’s responsible if something goes wrong?" Excavate saw Eric Suen Yiu Wai grumpily shouted.
"King be calm here but there is good news for you" Eric Suen Yiu Wai smiled to say with smile.
"What’s the good news? Tianmen has been attacked soon. Are you still in the mood for jokes?" Excavate nu way
"Li Tianwang, let Mukden Emperor tell me about his funny story. I haven’t heard good news for a long time, but I can relax." Chinese Emperor gave a wry smile.
"Hum" excavate cold hum a simply don’t talk.
"It’s still the Chinese Emperor who is calm. In fact, my good news is that this war is a major event." Eric Suen Yiu Wai said mysteriously
"oh? What kind of good news is it? " Chinese emperor show some j: and move.
"Do you believe him? This guy has always been as cunning as Taibai Venus. jiān can spit ivory out of his mouth?" Excavate and the pie mouth way
"Excavate! You still have endless old talk. You don’t want to listen to shit and stay there. "Eric Suen Yiu Wai didn’t save the oil lamp, so his temper was bad. He was angry when Excavate interrupted him constantly.
"Both of you calm down, Heavenly King. You’d better take a break to catch your breath and let Emperor Fengtian finish." Emperor Ziwei started a peacemaker again.
"I don’t have the free time to play outside badly. Where can I go without you?" Excavate got up and left.
At Excavate, Eric Suen Yiu Wai disdained, "Don’t worry about things outside. My families are all outside. They are better than you."
Chapter 11 Beat up Reservoir Dogs to discuss going to the underworld
Chapter 11 Beat up Reservoir Dogs to discuss going to the underworld
Excavate was obviously choked by Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s words, but it’s no wonder that he actually knew Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s strength, especially Yang Jian.
But I’m afraid he doesn’t know that the strengths he is familiar with have made great progress, and now it’s already out of his league.
Naidi sat down in the chair, and Li Jing spread his hand and said, "Well, tell us what’s the good news."
"I’ll make a long story short. M not. After a while, Odin’s temple army will withdraw from this battle, and our pressure will be greatly reduced." Eric Suen Yiu Wai smiled and laughed
"If you say that you killed the people over there, I believe it, but you say that Odin’s temple is going to withdraw its troops. How is that possible?" Excavate surprised way
"Li Tianwang you are playing outside? To tell you the truth, I took the imperial edict before I came here, tried to win over one of them and then divided them. I just went to Odin’s main city to find Odin. Fortunately, I didn’t fail to fulfill my mission and successfully achieved my wish. "Eric Suen Yiu Wai said lightly," Believe it or not, you will know later. "
Excavate also wants to say something. Suddenly, a member of the heavenly generals rushed into the outside and said to them, "Report to me, Emperor Ziwei, King Li and Emperor Fengtian Odin’s temple army withdrew from the temples. luàn was in a panic and fled without fighting. We successfully held the Tianmen."
Hearing this, Excavate looked at Eric Suen Yiu Wai excitedly. "You have done such an earth-shattering thing without saying a word. It’s really good. If you have anything to offend you before, I hope you can bury me. Excavate is even this smelly temper and even this generation can’t change it."
"Where where Li Tianwang is also bent on thinking about heaven, so he will be so nervous. But now everything is all right. I believe that the temples are afraid to make a move without the help of Odin’s temple. But in addition to the suggestion of the future trouble, I still want to push the temples back to their hometown." Eric Suen Yiu Wai politely added
"This also agreed" Chinese emperor nodded his head.
"Yes, now is a good opportunity to pursue 56-point thrashing. Now our side is also exhausted, and the number of casualties is afraid of chasing and there is no strength." Excavate frowned.

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