Wang Fengshou: "I exposed Locke’s identity. He is the real behind-the-scenes boss of the gold gang. Locke also insisted on refusing to admit that he claimed to be an appraiser of Jindianhang and told me that I should go to Boris to talk about gang events.

10 minutes, 41 seconds Read

But he told the truth that he didn’t find Boris. As far as he knows, the gold gang has already decided not to intervene. If someone wants to rob the gold refinery, just do it … That’s what he said, so I don’t know if it’s true or false. "
Hua Zhen trip "Brother exposed his identity to his face and he didn’t want to kill you?"
Wang Fengshou "may have moved this idea, but he is not my opponent who has not made a move."
Hua Zhen line "Not your opponent, did you do it?"
Wang Fengshou "Locke is a monk, and I am also a monk. Sometimes I can make judgments without hands."
Hua Zhen had to wake up and say, "Brother Rui Ning announced his identity and suddenly became a powerful monk, so he is not afraid of the other party’s suspicion?"
Wang Fengshou: "He suspects when he loves to doubt, and he dare not tell anyone anyway. Moreover, it can be explained that the former leader of the Gunmen Gang, Gunmen, is a monk."
Hua Zhen: "You finally got to the gun god. Is he really a monk?"
Wang Fengshou: "I haven’t seen this person. Even if Rui Ningxuan really joined the Magic Gun Gang, the Gun God had already left, but according to the news, this person should be a monk. His means seem to outsiders to be fantastic, and it is not a martial art supplemented by mental interference."
Hua Zhen trip: "I just got the news this afternoon that Gun God has returned to the port of Fesso. This will not be arranged by Senior Brother again, will it?"
Wang Fengshou: "That’s not true. I just heard from my younger brother that the gold gang picked him up at the dock. Maybe it was Locke. Please come back, but please rest assured, younger brother, if the Gun God wants to deal with you or the new alliance, I will take care of him myself. What else do you want to ask?"
Hua Zhen’s trip: "You said that those two groups planned to sneak attack on the gold refinery, but they didn’t have any plans for the new alliance?"
Wang Fengshou "As far as I know, not many people robbed the alchemy factory for the benefit, and that’s all. Leave the power and territory left over from the new alliance to the gold gang to deal with. Everyone knows that the gold gang has been torn with this side."
Hua Zhen line rubbed his skull. "I know all about it! If there is anything else, please tell me! "
Wang Fengshou "That’s all. I’m in a hurry. I won’t plan any more things."
Hua Zhen trip "Are these things for three old people to do?"
Wang Fengshou sighed, "The three old people have waited for so many years and finally decided to clean up the troubled times. I was taught by them since I was a child that I should try my best to share my worries, otherwise I will be repaired all over again?"
Hua Zhenxing smiled bitterly and didn’t ask any more questions. This unexpected long talk has finally ended. It takes time to digest the latest situation. When Wang Fengshou was ready to leave, he was stopped by Hua Zhenxing. "Brother, have you forgotten something?"
Wang Fengshou turned around and touched out a creamy white bottle, which was porcelain-like and jade-like. "This thing can’t be put down casually, and it needs to be repaired in four places to control the Yang Laocai to bring it to me."
Little teacher younger brother hasn’t been around yet. Why don’t you just leave me here and you decide when and how to let me do it? "
Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said, "Yang Zong said to let you bring it to me, but he didn’t say to let you keep it for yourself. I really don’t have a four-way repair, but I have found a suitable candidate. If it doesn’t work, let my brother help me."
Hua Zhenxing insisted on keeping the porcelain vase by himself, just like seeing a money addict, Wang Fengshou also gave it to him, and told him that he must be careful. At the moment, he finally learned that Wang Fengshou had four repairs and was really better than himself. No wonder Locke didn’t dare to make a move.
Hua Zhen’s trip was late again, and the immortal core felt more "full of vitality". It took him three days to finish the work according to his original strength, and he made great progress.
Early the next morning, Hua Zhen left the manor and sat in a van with a closed back window. This is Huan Xiang. The two rows of chairs behind the procurement car of the Industrial Logistics Department were dismantled and can be loaded. If you hide from someone, you can’t see Wang Fengshou outside. The same car has always sent Hua Zhen to the door of the grocery store.
In front of the grocery store, it was more lively than a few days ago. Hua Zhen Bank made a special disguise to enter the grocery store. No one paid attention to Li Xiaoyang. He knew that Huazhen Bank bypassed the counter and entered the back hall without even lifting his eyelids.
From the afternoon before yesterday to now, it has been Li Xiaoyang who is in charge of inspecting and purchasing the mine Jintang Hall. He wants the vice president of industry to do this counter work, and he didn’t feel wronged. He did it himself a few days ago.
Apart from the three old men, Feng Zibin’s true identity includes Lei Dajin, Li Xiaoyang, Li Jingzhi and Shen Si. This is not only because they are trustworthy, but also because they need to know, otherwise many things can’t be arranged together.
Besides, the fewer people know the truth, the better. Even if Wang Fengshou is one of our own, he is a friar of the four borders. He has seen Feng Zibin on the spot and knows Hua Zhen’s trip. Whether he can see it himself is another matter. If he is smart enough, he can see through it and don’t say anything.
At ten o’clock in the afternoon, Maman came. She wore a hooded light-colored long-sleeved sunscreen and went to the door of the grocery store and whispered, "I asked Maman to come to Xiaohua."
Li Jingzhi, who was in charge of the post, smiled and personally led her in. She didn’t search her body. She also took the initiative to hit the counter door and reached out and gestured, "I’ve been waiting for you in the backyard Xiaohua from here for half a day."
Hua Zhenxing’s imperial method in the backyard picked the crimson lychee fruit from the branches and leaves and a plate was full. Then he heard the movement and turned around and saw Manman.
Mann walked to the shade and naturally took off his coat. "I’m coming!" " He sniffed again. "This place is really comfortable."
For a moment, Hua Zhenxing was in a daze. It was the first time that he saw Manman’s appearance. Some accidents also overturned some previous judgments that Manman’s skin color was much lighter than that of the local aborigines in Somalia, close to wheat color and delicate as satin, and his facial features and signs were also different from those of the aborigines.
Many local people have wide and flat noses, but Manman is different. Her nose is straight and slightly curved, and her nose tip is very small and exquisite, which is more in line with Huazhenxing’s aesthetic. Her eyes are not too big or too small, unlike many local people, which are just white eyes, black and white eyes, as if without impurities.
Black shawl hair is soft, silky and slightly light brown, while most local people’s hair is born with small curls attached to the scalp. So many women like to wear wigs if they have the conditions, but Maman obviously doesn’t wear wigs.
In the figure … Hua Zhen has "seen" it clearly the night before yesterday, so you don’t have to form a head shorter than Hua Zhen in about one meter six.
Hua Zhen line become speechless is the moment he asked Manman to come to the master, of course, can’t lose his manners and greet him quickly. "Manman, you are so beautiful! Please sit down and try some litchi I just picked. "
What is litchi? Manman has never seen a demonstration in Hua Zhen. The color is jade, and the flesh is tender and sweet. It’s both beautiful and delicious. Manman took a bite of it and immediately stared with surprise. A few drops of juice dripped down the corners of his mouth.
She pouted a little, just spilled juice and slowly floated back into her mouth, just like slowing down backwards. This scene is so interesting. Her mouth is beautiful, her lips are full, but not as thick as the local aborigines.
Mann Mann nodded while eating in a row. "Litchi is delicious! Thank you for giving me such good food. "
Hua Zhenxing couldn’t help asking, "Man Man, how old are you this year?"
When the two men met for the first time, it was not "business" but a chat. Unlike many local people, Maman was familiar with herself as soon as she met. She seemed a little crude and careful before her trip to Hua Zhen, but she gradually relaxed while eating and chatting.
A plate of fresh lychee was soon finished, and Huazhenhang sat there without starting to wave to a tree piu, piu, PIU … Another plate flew in to show the superb means of the mighty, and after eating two plates of lychee, Huazhenhang almost found out the truth about Mandendi, and the origin of her Poseidon gang was not complicated.
Chapter 77, have you ever heard of the art of nourishing yuan?
Many people’s impression of the indigenous people in the Black Wilderness mainland is that they have dark skin, thick lips, flat nose, wide hair and fine curls, but this is not the case.
There have been many tribes in the Black Desert since ancient times, and their physical characteristics are very different, which is even more different than that of the Dongba people. It should be considered a misunderstanding that most of them are regarded as one race.
Maman is much lighter than the Guru people here, but she is not a mixed-race but a standard black native. This tribe has been living in the northern part of the country for several miles since ancient times. Due to climate change and various wars and conflicts, the population of this tribe has few fixed settlements now.
Man Man’s tribe moved to the port of Somalia 12 years ago, and was catching up with the recovery period after the riots in the port of Somalia. Some people settled near the port, while others found jobs at the dock. Now, the elderly, the weak, women and children add up to more than 900 people who are very United.
Maman’s identity is equivalent to the leader of this tribe because she has been blessed by Poseidon.
Hua Zhenxing pays great attention to his skills. For example, he followed the topic that night and asked Mann, "You told me the other day that Poseidon said that you can’t take other people’s things. What’s going on? Does Poseidon believe in gods? What else did he say?"
The earliest name of the tribe living in non-Somali port is not available for examination, but now they call themselves Poseidon. In ancient times, they made no language available for examination, but now they make the local dialect a language without words.
Therefore, although they believe in the Poseidon, there are no classics that have the word "Poseidon Theory"-
1. Poseidon said that those who serve Poseidon with pure heart will be blessed.
2. Poseidon said not to shape my image, which would make people forget the beliefs I guided and pray for my image.
3. Poseidon is hard to act in my name. Everyone should choose to be responsible for it.
4. Poseidon said that everyone should do something for nothing, not be lazy and not take other people’s things for nothing.
5. Poseidon said that people should unite and love and help each other in order to cope with the test of suffering.
Six, Poseidon said not to hurt koo people.

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