Mark frowned and looked at Doris’s body. After a while, he nodded and said, "Nice figure!"

3 minutes, 59 seconds Read

Liv "…"
Brimming with a bite, Bo Lifu, the scum guy who desecrated the dead, directly held Doris up and pointed to the faint trace with his right hand and said, "Doris has been kidnapped."
Mark smiled and said, "Can’t you? Do people have a special hobby?"
"… you question my professional ability?"
Mark said with the wave, "Not Teresa has checked the trajectory of Doris’s actions in the past month. Even yesterday, he came to our federal building by himself from home …"
Speaking of which, Mark’s eyes fell on Doris’s ankle.
Face a change!
Don’t say goodbye to Liv, and run towards the outside!
A long time!
"Debbie …"
Mark wiped his face after he got out of the stairs and said, "Bring me the Doris interrogation room and the surveillance video of her early departure!"
Debbie froze, and then she got into brain exercises quickly!
Not long!
Two different photos instantly appeared on the big screen of the office wall!
One is a diagonal surveillance photo of Doris walking out of the house with a mask!
One is a picture of Doris sitting in the interrogation room!
Mark’s hands rested on her hips, and two photos were finally fixed!
Smile coldly!
Chapter 199 I saw a ninja
Big screen!
On the left side of the monitoring screen is a street photo of Doris’s house, in which Doris is wearing a pair of knee-high boots.
While Doris in the interrogation room on the right is wearing a pair of sports shoes!
"This is …"
Bring up two photos. Debbie also got up to look at the big screen and frowned. Then her hands danced like a keyboard!
Less than a moment!
From Doris’s door to the Federal Building, all the monitoring pictures pass through the camera one by one, showing a big screen.
In a short time, Debbie flashed her eyes and quickly pressed the tentative button, pointing to the surveillance near an alley in the third row and saying, "This is the only surveillance blind spot from Fifth Avenue to the Federal Building … here!"
Then Debbie pressed the play button to slow down the speed!
When entering the blind spot, Doris was driving a white private car in front of a blue private car, but when the monitoring screen appeared again, a blue private car appeared in the white private car, but it took ten seconds to appear in the monitoring screen again …
Mark smiled coldly with his arms around him!
Mark said, it is usually difficult for women to hold a grudge against him for a long time.
Even the villain’s widow is no exception!
This is a gift!
It belongs to Mark’s own genes!
Luckily, he just fell into doubt whether he was gifted or not.
Ha ha!
Pointing to the alley in a blind spot at the end of the third surveillance screen, Mark turned to look at the agent in the office and said, "I don’t care what you can do. The AM camera here passes through this alley this time, especially this blue car …"
"Yes!" Jack can’t wait for Mark to finish before yelling at him.
This one leng is to blow away Mark’s good leadership temperament.
Mark took a deep breath and looked at Jack coldly, reciting three "Curse of the Devil" in his heart, which put out the impulse to transfer Jack to a Cuban prison.
In an hour!
Mark came straight from his Chevy, took off his sunglasses and looked at the alley in front of him.
"Boss here!"
"Have you found anything?"
Jack nodded and gestured to a depressed patrolman in the trash can!
The latter bent down directly and detected a black bag from the trash can.
Have a look!
A purple suit and a lux long hair fake headgear lie quietly inside.
Mark frowned.
"Eldest brother …"
It was on the third floor of this alley that Debbie waved to Demark and said, "This should be the address where Doris was kidnapped!" "
Not long!
Mark set foot directly in the warehouse on the third floor.
A hard-to-say smell went straight to Mark’s nose.
Just then Debbie smiled and magically took out a mask from her pocket!
Mark didn’t feel the taste diminished until he brought it.
Looking around, Mark could see a gray-haired mouse with a head bigger than a cat. If someone passed by an agent’s foot!
Give Mark the feeling that one day this gray-haired mouse will evolve into a mentor of the talking mouse …
I have to say!
Big cities still have one thing in common
Mice are particularly healthy!
"Boss here!"

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