For example, it is a kind of progress and a major breakthrough for Hua Zhen to replace Yuanshuomen as the executive clan of the twenty-five factions of Kunlun League.

But what do you mean by someone turning the topic to joint punishment and abstinence? Listening to Mei Yeshi’s reply, "It is my responsibility, not someone’s, to make a joint punishment or to make a joint punishment." At that time, Zhengyi, the founder of the school, was told by the audience in Hua Zhen that […]

Empress Liang didn’t beat around the bush and said directly, "Ai Jia knows that Tang Luoling’s medical skills are excellent. Can you ask her to have a look at Tang Luoling?"

Xian Wang was dazed. After all, was it that Queen Mother Liang called him into the palace urgently? Queen Mother Liang closed her eyes. "Zhao’s son has been lying on the bed for more than a year, and his temper has become very violent. If you still have Zhao’s brother in your heart, let Tang […]

Carter Shrek used to be a black COP.

In order to avoid the penalty of chair, he signed a contract with mephistopheles, and he was willing to be a mephistopheles knight to collect those guys who signed the contract and went back on their word. Speak plainly. Carter Sorey’s role is similar to that of a debt collector Mephistopheles is equivalent to a […]

The little girl lowered her voice. The whole person leaned forward and almost put it on Lin Xueyan’s chest. Then she said in a hoarse voice, "Yes … I … pushed it away." Her face and tears were not dry yet, and her lips were smiling with a sly smile.

"You?" Lin Xueyan looked at the little girl in surprise. "Yes, and dad. He wanted to save his mother, so I helped him and pushed him away." The little girl was a little proud Lin Xueyan looked at her thin little arms, and she was only thirteen or fourteen years old. It was impossible for […]

Mulan smell speech is a little surprised that people can pay such a big price, but these things shouldn’t be that he knows Mulan naturally won’t ask. "Who is that man?" How can I recognize him? "

The man with a burning face shook his head and said, "This man is not exactly who we arranged. I don’t know exactly who he is. Anyway, for those monks who are then, try not to kill them all and let them go. I think he should not be buried with the spirit." The fire-faced […]

Wang Fengshou: "I exposed Locke’s identity. He is the real behind-the-scenes boss of the gold gang. Locke also insisted on refusing to admit that he claimed to be an appraiser of Jindianhang and told me that I should go to Boris to talk about gang events.

But he told the truth that he didn’t find Boris. As far as he knows, the gold gang has already decided not to intervene. If someone wants to rob the gold refinery, just do it … That’s what he said, so I don’t know if it’s true or false. " Hua Zhen trip "Brother exposed […]

Eric Suen Yiu Wai waved his big sleeve to detain hundreds of horses in the hall. These horses are all strengthened in three generations. On the basis of the three generations of horses, they have improved their attack and defense capabilities, and they have several special abilities, such as spraying silk screens to catch opponents’ mounts, spraying highly corrosive liquids, and cursing magic and spells.

At present, there are 10,000 three-generation strengthened Tianma in Hundun, and hundreds of horses have been called out this time, mainly because the temple is too small, otherwise the scene is absolutely spectacular. "Good, good, really good. These Tianma are very good. I don’t ask you to cultivate the Griffin beast. If there is such […]