Night came quietly, accompanied by the waves flashing in the reeds in the evening breeze, and fireflies appeared from their hiding places, flying slowly and flashing in the dark and blue night.

"zer is over there!" Down the valley, after reading the sound, I saw all the scenery lights laughing at him in the reed and the firefly. The depression in my heart vanished at this moment. Even in a dream, he wants to laugh wildly with hir When two people are tired of catching, they look […]

Let you’ wave’

Kelp some unkind muttered. Zuo Tangtang can watch with sadness that he has been dallying with the Royal Guards by his own flying skills, and she is careless about Yan Hang and flies directly to a distance less than five feet from herself. Is this … is this a fucking provocation? Zuo Tangtang angrily thought. […]

"Plump" The Jade Emperor sat on the ground for a long time after hearing Nezha’s return, but he didn’t react, regardless of the cold sweat on his face and shouted at the mountain soldiers, "Tell all the emperors and gods to come and wait with me at the worse gate!"

How dare they neglect the soldiers to call people to follow the Jade Emperor out of the worse … A group of heaven bosses outside the newly built Nantianmen take the lead! The most important thing is that "Hao Tian Jin Que respects the natural beauty and has the Miracle Jade Emperor" (Jade Emperor) wearing […]

Ouyang Feng, after all, is a famous man, and his age is more than twenty years older than Bing Xin. If you only make a single contribution, Ouyang Feng is naturally better than Bing Xin. At that time, Bing Xin failed to resist Jin Qisini’s alternating hot and cold energy field, but Ouyang Feng did!

"I’m going to shoot after three moves!" Ouyang Feng said that he would put the snake staff across his chest, but he suddenly found that two strange snakes with iron staff had become two dead snakes, one of which was burned into black charcoal and the other was frozen into popsicles! "See how your dead […]

That then zombie is not a dead thing. Naturally, he won’t wait for the four large arrays to tell the outcome before catching him. However, his way out is blocked by the four large arrays of manifesting power, and the previous dash is also a big load on his body. Although the zombie body is strong, it is also greatly shocked. It is necessary to ease the one that has just stood still.

The pranayama has been restored to the conscious state, and then the zombies have no hesitation in going straight to the place where the big hand, rope, giant bell and ring can agitate and impact the past. If in the eyes of ordinary people, the then zombie is so suicidal, but in the eyes of […]